Chapter 7 Dragon egg

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Your Pov

Winter break was soon over and back to the books during the holidays me and Malfoy wrote to each other. I didn't tell anybody I only kept it between us me and Malfoy got closer than we ever did. Currently, Me, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were in the library working on homework but Hermione went somewhere to get a book.

"I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be stupid," Hermione said walking back to the table slamming a huge book on the table. "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading," Hermione said scrolling through the huge book.

Ron looks at Hermione in shock "This is light," Ron said in aw. Hermione shot him a glare then looking back at the book. "Of course here it is," Hermione said. I look over looking at the book Hermione brought.

"Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone," Hermione said in amazed. "The what," Harry and Ron said lost and confused "Really don't you two read," I said to Harry and Ron they both shrugged. 

"Mione do you want to explain," I said giving Hermione the pleasure to explain. "Why certainly Y/N," Hermione said sarcastically. "The Philosopher Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal," Hermione said explaining to Harry and Ron.

"Immortal," Ron said confused. "It means you never die," Hermione said quickly explaining the word meaning. "I know what it means," Ron said to Hermione but Harry shushes him. "The only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday," Both Ron and Harry look at each other in shock of how old Nicholas Flamel is.

"That's what Fluffy guarding. That's what's under the trap door the philosopher stone," Hermione said determinedly already figure out what Fluffy is guarding.


We sneaked out of our dorm and ran to Hagrid/my godfather hut. Harry knocked on Hagrid we're about to say his name but we were cut off. "Don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no state to entertain," Hagrid said about to close the door.

"We know about the Philosopher's Stone," I blurted out and Hagrid opens his door "Come in," Hagrid said. We walk in Hagrid hut "We think Snape is trying to steal it," Harry said convinced about his theory.

"Snape are you still on about him,' Hagrid said looking at his pot that is in the fireplace. "Hagrid we know he's after it but we don't know why," Harry said trying to convince Hagrid. Hagrid looks over at Harry "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. He won't steal it," Hagrid said and everybody was confused except me I knew Uncle Snape was innocent.

"What?" Harry said confused looking over at Hagrid. "You heard me. Come on now I'm a bit preoccupied today," Hagrid said trying to kick us out. "Wait a minute 'one of the teachers' of course there are other things defending the stone arent there like spells and enchantments," Hermione said asking Hagrid.

"Right waste of bloody time if you ask me ain't no one gonna past Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how except for me and Dumbledore," Hagrid said proudly then realize what he said. "I shouldn't have told you that. I should have not told you that," Hagrid said looking away from us.

We started to hear the pot steaming up Hagrid walked over and grab something out of the pot and place it on the table. I walk over to the table to see an egg Harry looks at the egg confuse "Hagrid what exactly is that" Harry said curiously.

"I know what it is," Ron said in surprise than Ron turns to Hagrid "But, Hagrid how did you get one," Ron said confuse facing Hagrid. "I won it. Off a stranger, I met down at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact, "Hagrid said.

The egg started to shake we all started to back away from the table. Soon the egg was hatch it showed a baby dragon "Aww hi there," I said happily walking over to the baby dragon. "That's a Norwegian Ridgeback my brother works with these in Romania," Ron said in shock that Hagrid had a dragon.   

 "Isn't he beautiful. Oh, bless him. Look, he knows his mommy," Hagrid said as a proud parent. "Hello, Norbert," Hagrid said petting Norbert. "Norbert," Harry said questioning the name Hagrid chose.

"He's gotta have a name, doesn't he," Hagrid said to Harry. "Can I pet him," I ask Hagrid he nodded his head. I started to pet Norbert he's adorable "He's so cute Hagrid," I said happily. Norbert soon sneezes causing Hagrid beard to go on fire but Hagrid put it out fast.

"He'll have to be trained up a bit of course," Hagrid chuckle. I look over at the window to see Malfoy. "Guys," I said everybody looks over me then see Malfoy running off. "Oh dear," Hagrid said then looks at us.

"You better hurry and go back to your dorms I don't want you lads to get in trouble," Hagrid said hurrying us up. "Bye Hagrid bye Norbert," I said happily walking out of Hagrid's hut we ran back to the school campus.

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time I met him," Harry said to the group. "It's true he told me since I could remember I would always draw him drawings of him having a dragon," I said remembering my childhood. "Wait," Ron said stopping his tracks we all stop and look at him.

"What," Hermione said. "How long have you known Hagrid Y/N," Ron asked me curiously. "Since I was a baby he's my godfather," I said happily they all look at me in shock. "What," I look at them confused.

"You never told us Hagrid was your godfather," Hermione said whisper yell. "Well it never came up," I said looking up at the ceiling. We stop walking to see Aunt Minerva glaring at us "Good evening," Aunt Minerva said then Malfoy came standing next to her. I knew we were in trouble.


"Nothing I repeat nothing gives students the right to walk about at night," Aunt Minerva said looking at all of us. "Therefore, as punishment for your actions 50 points will be taken," Anut Minerva said glaring at us. We were in shock "50," Harry said in shock "Each," Aunt Minvera said looking at all of us.

"To ensure it doesn't happen again all five of you will receive detention," I noticed Malfoy smirk dropped. "Excuse me, professor perhaps I've heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us," Malfoy said walking up to Aunt Minerva.

"You heard me correctly Mr.Malfoy. See honorable as your intentions were, you too out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates," Aunt Minvera said I could see Ron, Harry, and Hermione smiling cause Malfoy got in trouble too.

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