Chapter 1

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(3rd Person)

It's the early hours of the day and birdsong was heard... along with grunts and blows being dealt of course... Mira was seen rolling across the floor, a single evil energy devil wing on her back which helped her in ceasing her rolling. She groaned, shaking her head while pushing herself to her feet. She looked up to see both her teacher and her king staring down at her, his arms crossed while his new trench coat floated from the amount of power he was exerting, he did have two evil energy wings out after all.

(Y/N): Your footwork's all messed up, any slower than that and I would've killed you with just a single hit, you're lucky I'm your king and not some devil or fallen angel that won't hesitate to take advantage of your mistake.

Mira: I actually would prefer a devil or fallen angel, at least they'd stop treating me like a kid.

(Y/N): That's... definitely not true.

Mira: Are you calling me small or something!?

(Y/N): Well, your head comes up to my stomach, what do you think?

Without any hesitation, Mira leapt forward and caused a small crater where her feet once were from that remark. (Y/N) leant to the left, easily missing the obvious kick before he held out a hand to catch her wooden staff. Mira was spun around before being tossed exactly back where she landed before.

(Y/N): Still too slow!

Mira: You react too fast!

(Y/N): There are plenty of people out there stronger than me! So don't give me that excuse when you can't react as fast as me!

Mira: Bet you wouldn't say that to Yubelluna...

(Y/N): I would actually...

Mira: What?

(Y/N): Your mind's still stuck on when you were with Riser? That's probably the reason why you'd say that remember, you've gone further beyond your limits ever since you became my peerage. Before, you were known as the weakest, but thanks to the evil energy that I helped bring out inside you, you're the second strongest when it doesn't include me.

Mira: Then, who's the strongest?

(Y/N): With her Phenex cells allowing that regeneration ability and being able to control the evil energy better, that's Ravel.

Mira: Ah come on! Why did it have to be her!?

The door to the house suddenly opened, the two looked behind only to see both Burent and Marion standing there each holding a tray of what seemed to be lemonade and an energy bar.

Marion: Thirty minutes have passed Lord (Y/N), it's time for a snack.

Burent: Come on Marion, he already told everyone to call him (Y/N).

Marion: I know, but I feel like he deserves some respectful title since he was kind enough to take us all in even though we were enemies a while ago.

(Y/N): Yesterday's enemy is today's ally. And, I took pity on you girls because you were all in a desperate situation, nothing more.

At that, a smug looking Phenex suddenly appeared, looking right at (Y/N) with a smirk while getting right in his face.

Ravel: Are you sure about that?

(Y/N): Yes.

???: Really?

Everyone turned their attention back to the door, only to see Yubelluna leaning on the doorframe, no longer wearing the dress Riser had her wear daily, instead wearing a yellow jumper with a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of black heels.

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