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Wren Holland was what you'd call a skeptic. She didn't believe in anything that couldn't be explained by science. And she definitely didn't believe in the supernatural. Because when it came down to it, she would trust science.

So when her best friend Clary has a run in with some blond dude, she initially didn't think anything of it. That is, until her other best friend Simon claimed that he couldn't see the blond. Wren was confused but decided to brush it off as him just messing with her. But then Clary decides to follow the boy and figure out why no one else could see him.

After this encounter, Wren is thrown into the Shadow World, a world that had been in existence for a long time. A world full of supernatural creatures and things that go bump in the night. Wren didn't want to believe it, but it was hard not to when the proof was right in your face.

But she wanted no part in this world. She didn't care that she had the Sight, whatever the hell that meant. She didn't want to deal with Shadowhunters, demons, vampires, or whatever else existed. She wanted to go back to not knowing that the Shadow World even existed.

It's too bad, we don't always get what we want.


Wren Holland


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Helena Holland

SHADOWHUNTERS CASTASShadowhunters Characters

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Shadowhunters Characters


Atlas Blake


Here we go again. You guys know the drill.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Shadowhunters nor do I own any of its characters, plots, or dialogues. All rights go to Cassandra Clare and Freeform. I only own Wren and her mom and any other characters that I might add. I also own my plot and my dialogues. Any character that is not on the show is mine. Any dialogue that is not on the show is mine. The plot is mine. Do not steal my plot or ideas.

A/N: Okay so I changed Wren's face claim to Madelyn Cline. I just feel like Madelyn is a closer to fit to what I had in mind with Wren looks wise. I'll go through and update the gifs in each chapter eventually.

I hope you all enjoy this book and if you do, be sure to vote, comment, and share!

Dedicated to my love obuchi_m

Dedicated to my love obuchi_m

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