Chapter 7

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Y/n looked around as the Going Merry entered a river mouth, taking them inland. There were trees and bushes all around them, doing well to hide the creatures lurking deep within the jungle. A growl sounded, making y/n look over. A large tiger stood there, it's fangs bared at the crew's presence.

"So this is Little Garden." Luffy smiled, itching for an adventure.

"What's 'little' about it?" Zoro asked, looking up at the giant trees.

"We have to be careful. I'm worried about what Miss All Sunday was saying." Vivi furrowed her brows, thinking back on how the woman warned them, even going out of her way to offer them an eternal pose for a different island.

Usopp started to freak out, not liking the idea of coming ashore this island. He begged for the crew to sail on to the next island, but was devastated when realizing that the log pose needed time to store the island's magnetism.

"It would also be a good idea to go ashore and get some food." Sanji added. "We didn't get anything from the last island."

"I hope there's a BBQ restaurant in here!"

"As if there'd be one!"

As the ship went deeper into the island, more creatures and different types of plants started to appear. Suddenly, a loud shriek sounded, it's shrill sound cutting through the sky, making the crew cover their ears. Nami letting out a sound of discomfort as she doubled over, her hands squeezing against her ears as to keep them from falling off at the awful noise.

"Ah, so cute." Sanji cooed at the sight. Usopp turned around, sparkles surrounding him.

"You mean me?" He teased, winking and laughing as Sanji spat at him.

"Of course not you bastard!"

Y/n covered her smile with her hand, her amusement instantly fading as she saw a huge bird-like creature swooping down towards the Going Merry. Sanji let out a sound of surprise, dodging at the last second as the bird tried to grab him with it's large talons.

"You damn bird! What the hell was that for?!" He yelled at it's retreating form, his cigarette almost falling out of his mouth. Suddenly, a large boom shook the ground and rippled the river's water, the Going Merry rocking dangerously. It sounded like an eruption, something that you wouldn't normally hear in a jungle. The others seemed to catch on as well.

"What's with this island?" Y/n growled out, waving around her hand so that the small stream of smoke stayed away from her.

"All right! It's decided!" Usopp sweat nervously, shouting out from fear. "We're not going ashore this island!" Nami nodded in agreement.

"All we need to do is wait for the log pose to set."


"So we'll just sit quietly on the ship until then."


As Nami and Usopp were chickening out, Zoro threw down the anchor, keeping the Going Merry in place. Luffy looked longingly at the jungle, wanting badly to go in and explore.

"Sanji! Make me a bento!"

"A bento?"

"Yeah! For strength! Make a pirate's lunch with a lot of meat and no vegetables!" Luffy smiled and laughed, his demand for no vegetables making y/n tug on his stretchy cheek.

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