Chapter 9

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It was cold...Really cold. Y/n slowly opened her eyes, almost becoming blinded by the pure white around her. Sitting up completely, y/n shivered, her teeth chattering. She looked down and realized her pants were soaked from the snow and her hands were nearly frostbitten.

"Shit." She looked around, remembering that she was with Vivi and Usopp. She spotted the princess slapping the man senseless to try an get him to become conscious. "Vivi?" The girl looked behind her.

"Ah! Y/n-san! Usopp won't wake up!" She cried out. Y/n walked over, cracking her knuckles. But before she could hit him, Usopp finally opened his eyes. As he spotted y/n with a fist ready to hit him, he started freaking out, crawling away from the goddess at lightning speed.

"Gah! What were you gonna do?!" He yelled out before trying to catch his breath. Y/n put her fist down, mock disappointment on her features.

"Aw, I was just gonna wake you up..." She sighed out, Usopp sweatdropping. She started to walk off, trying to figure out where they were, but before she could get very far, the ground beneath her started to raise, throwing her back onto the snow.

"Ah! What's that?!" Usopp exclaimed, watching as a figure emerged from the snow.

"Ahhh...That was close. I saw a field of flowers..." Zoro wrapped his arms around his shirtless torso, shivering. "Suddenly hitting an avalanche in this cold...I must've run out of luck."

"Stupid marimo! Go back to your field of flowers!" Y/n kicked the man after getting up from the snow.

"Gah! What's wrong with you woman?!" He spat at her. He then blinked, realizing that Vivi and Usopp were there too. "Huh? What are you guys doing here?"

"That's what we should be asking you!" The exclaimed in unison, making the swordsman sweatdrop. They all started to walk in a random direction, hoping to find a village or villager.

"I was just doing some winter swimming." Zoro responded simply.

"Winter swimming?!" Usopp raised a brow at the man.

"Yeah, after swimming in the river for a while, I had no idea where I was anymore. So then I started walking and doing muscle training." He explained. Y/n shivered, her body pained just by looking at the shirtless and shoeless man walk in the snow.

"You're insane..." She muttered, holding herself closer, shoving her hands in her armpits in hopes of keeping them warm.

"Look! There are people!" Vivi pointed to a crowd down at the base of the hill they were on. She then gasped. "We're back in Big Horn!" She walked forward, the group following suit.

"Get back! Dalton is dead!" A soldier shouted. The villagers started to protest.

"He can't be dead!"

"Weren't you all comrades before?! Don't you care?"

"We are retainers of King Wapol! If you wish to become Wapol-sama's enemy, consider yourself dead!" The soldier shoved his gun forward, threatening the villagers. By this point, Zoro, y/n, Vivi, and Usopp had approached the crowd.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Zoro asked one of the villagers. The villager then turned around, spotting Zoro's shivering form.

"What's the matter with you, dressing like that?!" He shouted out.

"Dalton-san is buried beneath the avalanche." Another villager shouted out.

"What?" Usopp gasped.

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