Chapter 12

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"Go get 'em rebel army!" The villagers cheered as their "protecters" stood before the vicious sea pirates. Y/n sat with Nami and Vivi behind a few rocks, out of view. They were all waiting to see how the fake rebel soldiers would react, Luffy and the others waiting with scripted lines hot on their tongues.

"What's that? You're a rebel soldier?" Luffy grunted out.

"N-No! You got it all wrong! We're just travelers passing through!" The leader stuttered out, trying to convince Luffy to not fight.

"He seems especially spineless to me..." Nami murmured, peeking out from behind the rock. "Not very reliable..."

"We'll see..." Y/n sat with her back against the rock, trying to distract herself from the blistering heat. The villagers kept cheering the fake rebel soldiers on, forcing them to come up with a plan.

"Listen, you! Don't be shocked by what I have to say! We're not the only rebel army soldiers here! In this village here, we've got 100 million more soldiers like us!" The leader shouted out, making everyone sweatdrop.

"Hey look, Usopp's got a twin..." Y/n muttered.

"What?! 100 million?!" Luffy exclaimed in shock, making y/n face-palm.

"He's obviously bluffing!" Usopp told Luffy.

"What? It was a lie?!"

"It wasn't even believable!"

"You! How dare you trick me!" Luffy raised his fist. "Gomu Gomu no..." He reeled back before shooting his fist forward into the leader's face, sending him flying back. "Pistol!"

"Luffy, you idiot! It's all over if you knock him out!" Nami whispered harshly, chastising the captain for his actions. The villagers and fake rebel soldiers started to freak out as Luffy advanced towards them, a scary smile plastered on his face.

"Big Brother!" Some of the village kids started to call out to the leader, trying to get him to stand up. Luffy ignored them and continued towards the rest of the fake soldiers, cracking his knuckles menacingly. He reeled back his fist once more, about to throw another punch, only to be stopped by the leader, who was now back on his feet.

"Yes...We're fake rebel soldiers. Even if all we wanted was to be as strong as the heroes we saw as kids, we're just a bunch of scoundrels now." The leader choked out, his breaths labored. "But, even if my dream never comes true, I'll never take away those kids' dreams! Even though I'm no match for you, I'm going to fight so that these kids can beat you all someday! I'd rather die than be seen as a punk in those kids' eyes!"

Luffy smiled and made the leader punch him, using his own arm to bring the leader's fist to his face. Everyone watched in shock as Luffy fell back into the sand, his smile still present upon his face. Sanji was about to step forward and fight, but was stopped as one of the fake rebel soldiers stood in his path.

"I'll fight too..." He let out nervously. "Your dream is my dream too, Big Bro!" He let out. "We've done all sorts of petty things since we were kids, but you were always there to protect the weak! I-I'll always be there with you, Big Bro! I'm going to be a hero with you!" He finished, preparing to attack Sanji and Usopp. The other two fake soldiers nodded in agreement and turned to Zoro and Chopper, ready to take them on.

"He's right! What do we have to lose?! I'll show you my fighting spirit too!" The one with the sword exclaimed.

"There's no where to run anyway!" The one with the boxing gloves added.

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