Chapter 4 : Temporary Blindness

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I tought his the one who will make me calm.

But he made me worst.

Damn you!

I continued walking.

Walking and walking

Thinking all of it.

It's my first time to feel like this.

My eyes are slowly closing without me knowing.

It's getting blurry.

Until... I saw darkness.

1 month later I suffered from this thing called Temporary blindness because of too much stress.

That's why I can't see right know.
And it can lead into permanent blindness if it will not improve.

I think my life is useless with out a sight. How can I work if I am blind?


"Heyyyyy! Neighbor! Lady over there! Wooohooo"

I woke up because of the irritating voice

That voice.

It's familiar but I heared it just once.


I stood up and started to walk with a white cane ofcourse

"Yes! You're here!"


Once Again, I Saw You | jimina ✔Where stories live. Discover now