ix. i am happy

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I was born with a broken family, but I still have a family. I've got no Dad to kiss my forehead, but I have my Mom to kiss my cheeks. We are not living an easy life, my Mom needs to work until midnight just to buy our needs, but we are content with our simple life. I was young when my Mom needed to go to another place, to find better job, to earn more money. I cried... a lot, but somehow, I realized that I will grow independently. I have no Mom to wash my used clothes, I have no Mom to prepare my meals, I have no Mom to pick me up from school. I have no one so I learned to do it myself. If you're thinking that I'm lonely, no, I'm not. I'm lucky. I'm proud. Not all children can cross the street alone.

Life has its reason and purpose why it happens. We just need to comprehend, we just have to accept it lightly. If you feel lonely, go and have a run and search for inspirations. It's not life that is terrible, it is us, we are making our situation worse. You already know that you're sad, yet you're still listening to a heartbreaking songs. You're aware that it's a poison not a medicine, yet you chose to take it all in. If you want to heal, do it yourself. People aren't here with you to heal you, they are just here to be with you, guide you through. So don't ever blame them why you are so miserable and broken.

Living with a broken family is not an excuse, it won't lead your journey. Breaking up with your boy/girlfriend will never be acceptable why you cut your wrist or hang yourself like the world turned its back on you. Failing to get a job or pass the exam is sign that there is more to you, and that is not where you belong for you are more than enough for them. If you feel useless, remember that God never made a trash. You are designed to be an inspiration, not a destruction. In every bad situations, just look at the brighter side, look for positivity. It's about finding the calm in chaos.

We need not to find happiness for it is just passing us by, waiting for us to grab them. They are the leaves that fall from the trees. They are the jeepneys that are passing by. They are thr strangers that you met in the streets. Happiness is the air that we breathe. Life isn't rough. People are.


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