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"He knows my name what's the reason introducing myself to him"

"Are you serious Taehyung?" Jin hyung said with a stern voice.

"Okay Okay, I'm Taehyung but just call me V got it bunny?"

Jungkook nodded his head and Taehyung just rolled his eyes. Not really caring.

Why is he so rude to me..? I told them and even showed them I'm an omega. So why is Taehyung still rude.

Jungkook taught while looking down at his shoes. He didn't say anything after that, moving more closer to Jimin. Jimin noticed and just giggled , wrapping his arm around Jungkooks tiny waist.

Jimin could feel Yoongi looking at them, Yoongi was the most protective mate out of all three and he got jealous pretty fast to. He's been trying to control his jealousy but sometimes it won't work.

-School bell-

"OH SHOT! WE NEED TO GET YOU'RE SCHEDULE JUNGKOOK!" Jin hyung said grabbing Jungkooks arm and started running away.

"BYE IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU GUYS" Jungkook shouted and people were looking at him like he was crazy.


"So what do you guys think of Jungkook?" Jimin asked

"Nah, i don't like him..I still don't trust him?

"Oh come one Taehyung, he proved it his even a white wolf A.FUCKING.WHITE.WOLF" Jimin said.

"So? Just because his a white wolf does not mean i trust him. For all we know he can be dangerous.»

"Really Taehyung? Jungkook can't even hurt a fly and his gonna be dangerous? I'm not even aloud to swear in front of him because he doesn't know what fuck means»

"Well that's your problem"

«I'm serious, his a nice guys. Why are you so rude suddenly?» Jimin asked looking at me directly in the eyes.

«Still Jimin, I don't trust him»

«Well then don't just don't do anything to him» Jimin said disappointed. He walked away his mates following after.

Taehyung just stood there watching them walk away. He sighed and decided to walk to his classroom.


Okay so I know this chapter is short so a longer one will come in the next chapter.

Hope you guys like this chapter.

Have a nice day(:

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