Chapter 23

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The silence was strange as we all sat trying to catch our breath. I slowly sat up and looked up to see the gold and white hall of the Authors house. E5 turned his neck to look at me. He let out a long breath as if he was relieved. I thought the Eliptanders were creepy looking, but I could feel a sense of gratitude towards E5. He was kind on the inside. He put his nose to my chest and his warm nose was like a hug. I gave his muzzle a soft stroke before I grabbed on. He slowly pulled me off his back and set me on the ground. I sat down and was reminded of the pain in my leg. E5 sat down on the ground and everyone slid off. E5 then rested his head on the floor by my left side. His kind eyes were staring up at me. I began to pet his soft face.

Nathan came over to me and sat down on the other side of me. His eyes were a soft green which made him look relieved. I rested my head on his shoulder and he grabbed my right hand in his. He turned his head and kissed the top of my head. It felt comforting to know he was still here with me.

What in the name of the Authors is going on here? Just then I saw Wes coming over to us, his face hot with furry. E5s head shot up and looked in Wess direction from the sudden outburst. Nathan turned and looked at me before standing up. He walked over to his grandfather. Nathan, I told you that I didnt want you risking your neck messing with the Book Thieves. You should be ashamed of yourself. The room grew still as we waited to see what would happen.

Grandfather. Nathans voice was calm even though he looked like he wanted to scream. You are protecting of me because of what happened to Mom. You feel responsible for her death. I have feelings for Aisling, which is why I wanted to help her. You may think I am foolish for saying I have feelings for her after only a couple days, but I loved her from the moment I saw her. I love her, so I helped her. Wes mouth was open slightly as he stood looking at Nathan. I could feel my insides bubbling after what he said. My mom came next to me and sat down. She took my hands in hers and whispered in my ear. He is a very lucky boy to earn you affection. I looked at her and she winked with her right eye. I smiled and hugged her. It felt good to be able to sit in her embrace. The rooms feeling was warming as every eye was on Wes.

Well, Wes began. It looks like we will be having some permanent gests. Nathan, would you show them to their rooms? Wes then turned on his heels and walked through the dining room doors. Nathan turned towards me and helped me to my feet. He took me in a hug and rested his face on my shoulder. I rested my head on his and we stood there for a minuet in our hug. Nathan then let go and grabbed my left hand. He looked to the others and motioned them to follow.

This way please. We began to ascend up the staircase towards the guest bedrooms. Nathan picked me up and carried me easily up the steps. The sound of our footsteps thumping on the stairs. He dropped me off at the door to my room and kissed my hand before walking on with the others. I opened the door and hobbled inside and closed it behind me. My room looked even more beautiful than the first time I saw it. The turquoise and the coral shining brighter than I remember.

I set my bag on the bed and unpacked my dirty cloths. I set them in a basket next to the wardrobe and went back to my bag. Pain pursing threw my leg as I did so. I reached in and pulled out my notebook. I flipped through the pages and read my story drafts, it felt like it was a year ago the last time I touched this book. I went into the bathroom, I needed to desperately shower. I looked down at my leg and my stomach tightened. I hadnt even seen the wound yet. I slowly unwrapped the bandage and looked at it. It was a hole in my leg. I couldnt see the bone just skin and muscle. I looked around and couldnt find any gauze or wrapping. I suddenly saw a blue and gold glow next to me. It was a sparkling swirl that hovered on the counter next to me. A vase of roses appeared with gauze and wrapping with an envelope with a red heart seal on it. I smiled and opened the note. It read,

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