Chapter ♞ 10: Mixed Feelings (3)

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"Look, all I'm saying is that we, as the kids at this school, should have the right to wear whatever we want!" You say, stuffing a chip into your mouth.

Haruhi sighs in exasperation. "You're all wrong! This school has intense standards. Stan-dards. They can't just be able to wear whatever they want!"

You giggle at her and shake your head. "Whatever."

You were extremely happy you were friends with Haruhi again. You never realized how much you really missed her, and how much it took a toll on you.

You collect all your trash and throw it away, picking up your backpack and smiling at Haru. "I'll see you in our next period." You say beginning to walk down the hall. Your bright mood dampens immensely when you realize what period you have next.

Science. Kaoru. Hikaru.

Oh no.

You stop in the middle of the hallway and visibly wince, stomping your foot like a child. You dont want to face the twins, but you couldn't just skip class. You weigh the options.

Skip? Stay? Skip? Stay?

Curse my good morals!

You walk into the classroom, rather sluggishly, and take your seat. Thank goodness the only person here is Freaky Fred, and you don't really have to worry about him. He generally likes to stay isolated with the strange item he shields behind his hands.

The time until the tardy bell goes by rather slowly, you awaiting the awkwardness you're sure to feel in a few minutes time. You glance at the clock,

Five, four, three, two-


They're not here! You almost squeal in happiness as the teacher begins to close the door.

"Wait!" You hear a voice from the hallway. "We have tardy slips!"

Dag nabbit! My luck has run out. Well, I never really had any to begin with.

Hikaru and Kaoru walk into the room holding blue tardy slips that the teachers will give you. They sit down, catching their breath, and pull all of their stuff out. Kaoru pauses for a minute to sweep his eyes across the room. They stop on you, meeting you E/C orbs.

His eyes say he wants to talk to you. You panic and turn your head back towards the teacher. You hear a little snort from across the room, but pay no attention.

"So, we will be presenting the project tomorrow. If you do not have it, I will take ten points off for every day late. We will present them in front of the class, now, let's get started with the lesson." He says, writing on the white board.

"So, the plant's Genus..." you zone out like usual. Everything you need to know will be in your notes so it's not like you need to listen to Mr. DumbAss rant for forty five minutes.

Soon, you are relieved of your staring at a human body diagram duties, and you quickly pack up. You attempt to speed out of the room (you seem to be doing that a lot lately, huh?), but alas, get stopped by the one and only.

"What do want Kaoru?" That honestly came out harsher than you intended, and you feel somewhat bad for the wince on his face.

"I need to talk to you about what... happened."

You shake your head. "I'm gonna be late for class." You say, whipping your head around and beginning to stalk off.

He grabs your shoulder. "Please,"

You sigh, Why do I have to be so nice?

You walk over to the wall and lean against it, nodding your head for him to start.

"Look, I'm sorry. I... don't have the right to be mean to you." He gulps looking down. "I just... Hikaru has been the only one I have for a long, long time. I didn't want to lose him,"

"He told me that he liked you, a lot, and I didn't like that. I was jealous. I thought you were gonna steal him away." He pauses, turning his golden eyes up to you. "Our entire lives, we've been two halves to the same person. We told eachother everything, we did everything together. I don't think that Hikaru realizes, we aren't going to be like this forever. We'll have to have our own lives, our own paths. Someday, we'll have to seperate. And I'll have to be the one that realizes that."

"Oh, well that isn't really my business but thinks for telling me... I'm sorry...".

But, you thought that maybe you could all be friends...

Of course, you were to naive to realzie they both wanted something more.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to realize this before. Don't let me get in the way of being with Hikaru, you and him should be together."

Realization dawns on your face. You blink a few times. You pull Kaoru into a bear hug.

"I'm so, so sorry. I- I never wanted to hurt your relationship with him!" You say.

He chuckles in a sad manner. "It had to happen some time. Don't give up on him though." He pulls away, picking up his bag.

"It's not fair for-"

"We gotta get to class," He begins wiping his cheeks a bit. "Gawd, I'm such a baby. Anyways, Hikaru said to come to the Host Club this afternoon." He speeds off down the hallway.

"Why do-" you begin the question, but before you can finish, he's already gone.

You furrow your eyebrows, then decide to give up on thinking. You'll figure it out this afternoon.

Ugh, Honors English. Ugh, Kyoya.

You make it to the classroom just before the tardy bell, taking your seat next to Kyoya.

"You seem a bit worn out, (y/n)-" he starts

"Not now Kyoya," you pull out your writing journal and begin your assignment.

"Not in the mood?"

You chuckled. He had no idea.

Though you were happy with the apology, Kaoru only made things more confusing.

The kiss was an accident, and you planned on making that clear.

A/N Written by the ever so talented @Oliviaiswriting ! And Olivia, yes the next chapter will be 'cray-cray.'

Thank you so much for this, and it means even more that you'd still do this with your hectic schedule.

Love you lots!

BTW my laptop keys are broken, so that's why it's hard for me to write! I hate using my phone, but I have been lately! If I get all of my grades above a 90 this qaurter, it will get fixed :D [Damn spanish. I hate it so much].

I'll start the next chappy now ♥ Excited to write it.

Vote Goal: 20

Stuck in the Middle [Hikaru, Kaoru] | ♡Where stories live. Discover now