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Day 61 without Amelia

Niall Horan

I knocked on the front door of Harry's house, it was around nine thirty in the night. His car was in the driveway, so I knew he was here. But I honestly don't know what he's up to these days. Yesterday marked two whole months without Amelia, and I remember the doctors saying after two months things were gonna become more difficult for her chances of waking up.

There was no answer, so I knocked again and waited.

The last time I saw Harry, he screamed for me to not go near him or Briar ever again or I'll regret it. As much as I believe those words still stand, I wasn't going to just stay away when I knew he was suffering. Briar was in the hands of a drug addict, I couldn't trust him with her. And I know she's not my kid, but I know wherever Amelia is, she would beg me to help him and to protect their baby.

Once again there was no answer, so I went forward with entering the security code of the house and unlocking the door. He could kick my ass for doing this, but I didn't care. I had to make sure they were both okay whether he liked it or not.

When I opened the door, the first sensed used was my hearing because I heard Briar crying somewhere in the distance. My heart skipped a beat in a bad way, my lungs compressing a bit because her cry could mean so many things.

"Harry?" I called while shutting the door, following the sounds of the crying. I was anxious hearing her crying because she could've been hurt.

I went up the stairs, skipping every other step to get up there faster, hurrying down the hallway to where she was crying. I followed the noise to her room, turning in it with a hope she was okay.

But to my surprise Harry was standing there, rocking her as she cried. He was looking down at her, his expression hidden while she screamed in fussiness. I was surprised he was here, why didn't he answer me? Does he even see me standing here.

In the midst of my thoughts he looked up at me, his eyes dark red and his face pale as a ghost, his pupils were tiny in this dimly lit room and he looked awful. He had bruised under his eyes and scrapes up his face. What happened to him? Did he get into a fight?

"I never learned the song." He said to me immediately in stress, not even freaking out that I was here.

He was high.

I paused in shock, looking at him rocking her back and forth in his cradled arms. I had so many questions but I knew only little amounts could be answered.

"W-what happened to yo-"

"She n-never taught me the song." He cut me off with his panicked voice. Oh god he was loosing his mind.

"What song? What are you talking about?" I shook my head and spoke softly, I was so nervous for his state. That fact he wasn't kicking my ass right now for showing up in his house meant he was really out of it this time. Who knew what he was on considering I took away his prescribed painkillers.

"A-Amelia. She always sang this song to put Briar to sleep and she said she'd teach me but she never did. S-She never did and now Briar can't sleep." He started to rock her a bit faster, his eyes withholding a world of insanity and loss.

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