Chapter 8=Percy

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When we reached Olympus we walked down the marble path we could her the voices of the Gods arguing and when we finally reached them Poseidon told all the Gods except Athena to go, when we were alone Annabeth blurted out " I'm pregnant guys, the baby is Percy's and we're getting married in 5 days ".

Time Skip
After we told Athena and Poseidon they we're a little pissed but okay. Annabeth cried a little on the elevator ride down. She leaned on my chest and breathed in the sea-salt smell that I always had. I decided I would take her to the mall. I hailed a cab when we reached the curb 4 feet from the elevator to Olympus.
I talked to the cabi while Annabeth blew her nose in a tissue, I told him to take us the NYC mall. Annabeth and I climbed into the cab and shut the yell door.
When we arrived at the mall I handed the guy a $20 bill and helped Annabeth out of the cab.
In the mall I took Annabeth to a pregnancy clothes shop called " I'm bringing baby back " inside Annabeth tried on frilly tops and she finally gave in and got 10 pairs of pants and 10 t-shirts. I paid the $60 and we left with pink bags in our hands.

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