41 - Tonks and the Umbrella Stand

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GRIMMAULD place was not what Liana had expected.

With the title of headquarters she had imagined a wrought iron gate, maybe an electrocuted fence and several armed wizards and witches guarding the entrance. Instead, as she slipped through the heavy wooden door, following Tonks, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

It a was a house. Just a plain and simple house.

Dark and smelling faintly of damp with a trolls foot umbrella stand Tonks seemed to have some kind of grudge against.

"Cursed thing!" exclaimed Tonks as she went tripping over it, knocking it to the ground with a loud clatter.

"-Oh Merlins broomstick here we go again," groaned Remus from behind Liana. Liana jumped out of her skin as the blue velvet curtain beside her leapt up to reveal a furious and terrifying looking woman framed in a golden portrait.


Liana felt her mouth drop open slightly.

"I'm not even going to ask," she mumbled as she allowed Sirius to shove past her and yank the curtain down roughly. She couldn't find the fight in her to force a conversation with Sirius, all she wanted was to fall into bed at this point.

"Be quiet you old hag!" Instructed Sirius gruffly,  "Liana - meet my mother," he grimaced looking down at the surprised red head .

Liana glanced between the covered portrait and Sirius a few times. With a slight frown she finally spoke:

"I guess we all have mummy problems huh?"

She then turned her nose up and followed Tonks out of the corridor and into the kitchen.

"So- " Liana began, trying to sound casual as she twirled a piece of hair between her fingers,"- is um, is Harry here or-?"

Tonks gave her a knowing smile as she leant against the counter top eyeing a glass of water near her elbow with suspicion. It looked to have Moody's glass eye bobbing around in it, so Tonks quickly pushed it out of eyeshot.

"He's due to arrive later this evening, but I promise he's safe at the moment. He got attacked by a bunch of dementors, don't worry though-"

"-I wasn't!" Liana protested, rather too quickly, a blush filling her cheeks to match her scarlet hair. Tonks rolled her eyes, a small grin on her cheeks.

"It's okay to be worried about him, but no offence Liana, you can't fool me with the carelessness," Tonks told her kindly but Liana just shook her head, her red curls rippling like a waterfall around her shoulders as she did so and helping hide her flaming face.

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