43- Merlins Bloomers

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"OH my Merlins bloomers!-"

Liana snapped away from Harry with the speed of a bullet at the squeal from beside them. She felt a instant blush cover her cheeks as Tonks pranced about beside her happily.

"You were right Sirius they were snogging!" Tonks crowed for the whole house to hear.

Liana opened her mouth, not sure what do to as she tried to avoid eye contact with Harry. This hadn't been her plan admittedly, she hadn't banked on an audience.

Her plan was to get a straight answer out of Harry and then to explain her complex feelings for him. And then explain why she didn't think she could be with him. She wasn't sure she was ready to be in a serious relationship given her situation. But that hadn't quite gone to plan, as always she had been side tracked by Harry just being so damn cute.

Harry was doing a fabulous impression of the Hogwarts express currently, his face had turned a deep scarlet and Liana could practically see the smoke rising off his face, his hands had returned to his sides as his straying eyes caught Liana's.

From one of the rooms down below there was a large cheer followed by Sirius' voice shouting obnoxiously loudly:

"That's my boy Harry!"

There was then a shriek of Walburga Black from below, who seemed to have decided it was a perfect time to remind everyone of her presence.

Tonks looked over to where Liana and Harry sat, now at opposite ends of the bed as they tried to act natural. Liana was twirling a short curl of hair around her finger and tapping her foot, Harry was running his hands through his hair and had a sudden fascination with the flower book on the desk.

"You two are so adorable!" Gushed Tonks, unable to help herself as she stepped over to ruffle Liana's scarlet hair before grinning widely and walking out.

"Well-" Liana began, glancing over at Harry. Harry just looked up at her as Liana got to her feet brushing down her shirt.

"Moment ruined am I right?" Liana chuckled, easing the tension in the room as she felt Harry's eyes focus on her lips and she knew they probably looked swollen from the kiss.

She couldn't help but smile to herself as she slipped out of the room.


Liana had barely exited her mother's old bedroom and walked down a flight of stairs when she was ambushed by Sirius Black.

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