What happened

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"Hanao! Come over here! Don't be shy," you looked at your mother, you gripped your bow tightly towards you, you were trembling in fear, why was it always so stressful on the first day of everything?

"Deep breaths, it's going to be just fine," your mother looked at you and gave you a big heart-warmed smile, seeing her smile felt more secured, "You always wanted to learn the bow right? Once you stepped inside, your whole life will change, you'll barely get to see me anymore.. you know that?" your mother bended down and put her hands on your shoulders, you felt tears threatening to fall, you wiped and sniffed it off, then you quickly gave a last hug to her.

"Please write to me, please," you lay on your mother's shoulder and tightened your grip, "I promise Hanao, now be a good girl and enjoy your time here ok?" your mother pointed out her pinky, you smiled at her and shook it back.

You took a deep breath and stepped inside the room, and your mother released her hands and let you go.

You stepped inside the training spot, then you saw a Rito sitting on the bench staring at the sky.

"Revali..." you mumbled, what was he doing here? Why train instead of enjoying the time spending with the other champions? you thought.

"I can hear you, stop hiding behind," you quickly turned towards him and saw him looking at you, those stricking emerald eyes, the smirk he has on his beak--

"Stop staring," Revali snapped, you got out of your imaginations and focus back to the reality.

"Um hehe... sorry!" you giggled softly and blushed lightly.

He stood up from the bench and took his bow and walked infront of the target and aimed to shoot it, you walked in a little more, slowly you sat down on the bench, adjusting yourself comfortably and took out your sheikah slate in case Zelda was looking for you.

"So..." you started awkwardly, "Why did you leave us?" you questioned softly and played with your fingers.

"Why do you even ask? It's none of your business," Revali pouted and took out another arrow and placed it on his bow, preparing to shoot.

"I um was just-- worried about... you," you said and looked up to him. Revali hesitated and put down his bow slowly, wait... was he going to apologise to you? Was he finally going confront how he feels? Was he going to--


"Tsk, worried you say, I have no more business with you anymore, go back to the other champions, I'm busy training here," Revali didn't turn back, that's the only thing that came out of his lousy beak. You clenched your fist tightly and looked down to your lap, he didn't even care, like how he is always. You couldn't take it anymore and stood up.

"Revali! You can't keep this attitude forever!" you exclaimed fiercely, you felt that your anger and frustration were put into your sentence, he really can't always be like that! 

"Quit changing who I am! I'm a proud, talented person, and you can't change that fact!" Revali shouted and turned sharply to you, with his really annoyed and angry face, you could see the boiling heat running through him, you didn't show any sign of fear, you had the courage to speak up, you swore to yourself that you would never hide any more hard emotions.

"Fine! Sure I can't change that fact, but try to accept people the way they are worried about you!" you hesitated for a breath, "Wait.. or maybe..you are scared to face new people?" Revali immediately  widened his eyes and walked close to you, you stood at the same place, without fear. Then, he stopped until both of you were close to each other.

 "Why do you want from me? Stop disturbing my training and GET OUT!" Revali shouted, your face was showing fear, it was pale, your lips were turning purple, you were shaking, suddenly you calmed yourself and felt that it went away and closed your eyes.

You opened your eyes sharply and look directly at Revali, he stepped back a little, he looked quite confused.

"When since did your eyes became red?" Revali backed off a little more. Your eyes, what was going on? You felt your body was heavy, you weren't taking control of it, something was wrong! What is happening?! 

"Stop! What are you doing?!" Revali shouted, you couldn't feel anything! You weren't even moving! Why was he running? 

"Princess! Guards! Grab her! Something's wrong!" Revali shouted back at the garden as loud as he can. You can't speak, can't move, what was happening?!

You shut your eyes and reopen them and saw you are not in the castle.

"W-where am I? Revali!!! Zelda!!! Anyone!!!!" you shouted for help, you were in the middle of nowhere, it was foggy, there weren't any buildings, nothing, it was only a piece of dark land. You kept on shouting for help, but it seems that no one or nothing was there, you looked around, terrified, afraid and scared.

"Hanao....." a deep, loud voice was heard.

"Who's there? What's going on?" you called out, the voice was giggling then you saw a woman, dressed in black.

"Who are you?! Where am I?! Please tell me!!!" you screamed for help, but there was nothing there, it was foggy, you were there.. alone. You looked up at the woman, who started to walk towards you more, you fell down on your knees and kept on going backwards.

"Hanao... did you miss me?" 

And everything went pitch black.

You and him (Revali x Oc/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now