It's Your Life

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RoPo's POV:
I'm not in the mood to talk, but I'm talking anyway. I swear I don't know what's wrong with me. When was I so cruel? There wasn't any noise outside, well it was two in the morning. I'm normally sleeping like a baby, but I can't sleep. I couldn't sleep, I didn't sleep. Ever since that day, I think I only slept twice a month. Somehow I'm alive, barely. I look around the room and it's neat. Everything has a home, nothing is moved. I don't want to be rude so I just sat on the bed the entire night. Not a minute went by and I saw something, or rather someone. It wasn't very clear at first but I blinked and only noticed a disturbing smile. I saw bloody sharp teeth, blood drooling from its mouth. I couldn't move, my body was frozen solid. The figure came towards me, I was internally freaking out. It was creepy because I couldn't tell who it was. Then I felt something touch me from behind. My eye balls were able to move to see what had touch me. Then my head was turned to face the thing.

"IT's aLl yOuR FaULt!!!" I screamed like crazy that I think the entire complex heard me. Immediately after, the door just slammed open and Alex walked in.

"Are you alright!?" He was actually prepared to fight someone. That's how he walked in.


"What the hell do you mean maybe? You screamed."

"It must have been a nightmare."

"Look, I haven't heard that scream since Angel was released from it. I know a thing or two about your condition."

"Frick. Well, I saw something."

"I can expect that..."

"You don't understand, it wasn't that thing. It was something else. Something with bloody teeth."

"Oh, that's not what Angel saw." I felt bad, it was only two and Alex was awake for my needs. I guess he's the brother I could never have. Let it be with you that I never had a brother, or one of that I heard about. I only had my foster parents and my baby sister. They all left me alone and Jack was all who I had left, but at the moment he's being... what's the word... a dick. The Johnsons on the other hand fill that gap. Overall, I was glad that Alex took a few hours to help me relax.

Alex's POV:
As the older sibling, it was my responsibility to help and protect my sisters. Both are two years younger than me. I've been near them for most of our lives. If I ever need assistance from them, they are always there for me. So I have the right to be near RoPo no matter what, though we are similar in age. In personality, well it's different. I didn't care if I was tired, RoPo needed someone. Angel couldn't be there because, well, she is most likely asleep from all the noise. Time had ticked by, it was seven when RoPo finally slept soundly. I, on the other hand, needed to get the day started. I walked out and into the bathroom to wash up. Later I began to cook a decent breakfast; normally we would alternate who would be cooking but since I was up, I decided to cook. I made a smaller breakfast to give me a few minutes to rest. Eventually Ashlyn walked out, but in a panic.

"She's gone again."

"Oh no..." After what Ashlyn said, I immediately went to check on RoPo, he was still there. Thank God. I changed and ran out the door to search for Angel.

Ashlyn's POV:
Angel has a bad habit of sleep walking, it's worse in her case because she is a very good sleeper. It would be hard to wake her up, but Alex had a strategy that worked every time, so I trusted him. I sat down on the couch and waited. I'm trying to think the reason for Angel's sleep walking problem. After maybe a few minutes, RoPo walked out of Alex's room. He looked bad, as in he looked tired.

"Good morning sleepyhead, how did you sleep?"

"Ok, I guess. What time is it?"

"Early, seven I believe."

"Oh, where's Alex?"

"Chasing AJ places. They'll be back, anyway there's food if you want some. I already ate so don't worry about me."

"Thanks." RoPo seemed better than yesterday, that's good to know. He even ate normally, bonus. Though I knew Alex wouldn't like me doing this but I decided to take out my game station to play with RoPo. After setting it up, he immediately came with excitement.

"Can I join?"

"Hell yeah." One way to burn off anger is by raging at games, especially if you play with me. I'm so good that I can brag about it for hours. I chose a game called Fighters Unity, basically your standard shooting game. I set it to two by two and we battled each other. I'm such a queen that I wasn't letting him win that easily. I don't know how long we played for but I knew he was enjoying being the shit out of me! Since when is he so good at playing Fighters Unity!? I ain't losing to RoPo. It went on and on, eventually, "Victory!" He won. He was excited that he threw the controller into the TV, luckily it didn't break. Luckily. It was at that time when Alex showed up with Angel on his back. He noticed RoPo acting more like his usual self.

"I see you're normal again."

"Yup, I haven't had that much fun in so long. Thanks Ashlyn for getting hype again."

"Anything for you, bro." We both winked at each other, "Yo Angel, where were you?"

"In Cloud 9. Living my life."

"Cloud 9, huh? I'm there currently." I swear RoPo was excited. You need to get happy call me. Anyway, Angel was walking around the neighborhood. She was tired, that's why she was carried. RoPo helped Alex put Angel on the couch and she sat and fell back down. She feel asleep.

"Man, I wish I can fall asleep that quickly."

"Same," I said, "I don't know how she does it, but she does." Both RoPo and I laughed and kept talking about shit. It's our life, we can do whatever the hell we want. I mean, in two days is our celebration and award. No matter what, we can still have fun.

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