48- Detentions

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Dear Remus,
I don't really know how to start. Everything's going wrong, I think I'm falling for Harry but I'm scared, I don't know who my family are, I don't even know who I am anymore-

LIANA crumpled up another piece of parchment for what felt like the eighty second time. 
She sighed as she placed her quill back in her bag, it was hopeless, she couldn't just write to Remus like that, especially after she had blown him and all the other adults off before for trying to look after her.

She ran a hand through her scarlet hair. Sometimes it was hard being caught up in a world of magic, it was impossible for Liana to see a clear solution to any of her mounting problems.

"Liana?" Liana glanced up in surprise to see Neville standing on the steps, twisting his hands nervously in his lap.

She raised aN eyebrow herself as Neville walked over to her and leant against the wall, looking as if he was trying to muster the courage to say something.

"Hey Neville," sighed Liana, smiling in a tired and rather stretched fashion.

"I just wanted to say- I thought it was really brave of you to stand up to Umbridge like that," Neville told her as he took a few steps closer to her, his cheeks flushed from the wind.

"thanks Neville," smiled Liana hollowly.

"Oh- and Harry's asked me to tell you to meet him in the entrance hall this evening so you can go to detention together for Umbridge," Neville added. Liana nodded and turned her attention back to putting away her crumpled parchment and ink.

"What are you working on?" Neville asked, as if he were trying to keep the conversation going.

"Uh- nothing in particular, I was going to write home to a someone but, well- I'm not exactly on good terms with them," Liana stumbled over her words messily and picked her bag up, slipping the strap over her shoulders.

"Anyway- it doesn't really matter, I should go and meet Harry. I'll see you later Neville," Liana gave Neville a small smile and walked past him and down the stone steps, unaware of Neville's wide eyes following her.

LIANA glanced around the entrance hall and smiled as she spotted the familiar bespectacled boy standing by the staircase. Harry looked rather angry as he hovered by the steps, his jaw clenched, but the second he spotted Liana he smiled and crossed over to her.

"How was McGonagall?" Liana asked, pulling a face at the thought of how furious she expected the Professor to be. Harry rolled his eyes and slipped an arm around Liana's shoulder as they began to walk in the direction of the defence against the dark arts office.

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