53- The Pieces of a Broken Heart

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✰LIANA stumbled out of Umbridge's office for the third night in a row, her head spinning

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LIANA stumbled out of Umbridge's office for the third night in a row, her head spinning. She slammed the door behind her and leant her whole body against it, taking in relieved gulps of air as she tried to steady herself and focus on anything but the voices swirling around her mind.

'I told you Liana, you're to blame. You're the reason Mum never came home,' Christina hissed.

'Honestly Liana, you're delusional to think anyone could love you,' Harry laughed cruelly.

'I was always going to pick your brother over you, you're not even a friend to me,' Will snapped bitterly.

Liana clamped her fingers over her ears and screwed her eyes tight shut.

"Shut up," she mumbled to herself, feeling her anger building. The voices merged into each other and almost seemed to grow in volume and vindictive pleasure in her head.

"SHUT UP!" She screamed out finally. The voice stopped. She opened her eyes and blinked in the dimly lit corridor.

"Liana? What the hell are you doing?" Came a familiar voice from a few doors down. Liana jumped as she looked up to see Harry staring at her. But she thought she could detect some concern underlying his voice.

"Um- nothing," Liana protested unconvincingly as she tried to lean against Umbridge's office door casually, her elbow slipping down. Harry raised an eyebrow and walked over, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"You can tell me what she did," Harry expressed rather knowingly as he jerked his head towards Umbridge's door.

"She just um- said something rude about Remus," Liana blabbed, fiddling with her skirt hem nervously as it occurred to her that she hadn't been this close to Harry for a while.

"Fine," Harry breathed out as he stopped to stand in front of her. His eyes trailing over her without meaning to. She looked particularly beautiful tonight. Her hair grazed her shoulder in its sleek red curls, her eyes wide and glossy and her cheeks rather flushed.

"That was a lie, she didn't say anything about Remus," Liana admitted after a few seconds of silence under Harry's intense stare.

"I know. Your nose goes pink when you lie," Harry shrugged simply. Liana just nodded in response, her cheeks beginning to flush.

"I'll see you at the DA meeting tomorrow?" Liana asked her voice jumping up an octave as she tried to change the subject. Her heart hammering against her ribs as she caught Harry's familiar scent of broomstick polish.

"Of course- I'm thinking of introducing the patronus charm," Harry gave her an unusual smile, but it felt like it didn't quite reach his eyes.

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