Chapter 25 - Can I have this dance

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I lifted myself off the sofa and went to open the front door revealing Brad.

"Hello" he smiles as he pulls me into a hug.

"Hello" I smile pulling away from the hug.

Grace must of recognised his voice because she had run into the hallway and was now giving Brad the biggest hug he's probably ever had.

"Hello Grace" Brad bends down lifting her up to give her a proper cuddle.

She can now say his name properly so all that was coming out of her mouth was "Brad". He stood there laughing for a couple of minutes before following me into the living room.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask Brad as he takes a seat on the sofa.

"Yes please" He starts. "I'll have anything" he adds.

I nodded before walking out into the kitchen to make us both a drink. I grab a carton of Orange juice out the fridge before taking 2 glasses out the cupboard. I pour us both a glass before putting the carton back in the fridge and grabbing a fruit shoot for Grace.

As I walk back into the living room I see Brad playing with Grace. She must of missed him too. I feel even worse that I didn't talk to him for days now.

I put the drinks on the table taking a seat on the sofa. I sit scrolling through the tv guide before deciding on putting a music channel on since there's nothing I wanted to watch.

Brad's POV

Me and Lucy have finally made up after what happened last week. I still feel bad and I know she hasn't 100% forgiven me. I know that it will take a long time for that to happen. I'm currently sat on my bed, creeping on twitter, I do this quite a lot, I see the fandom always saying how I'm never on twitter but what they don't know is I am mostly always on twitter, but they don't know it. I go to make a tweet before a text from Lucy comes through.

1 message from Lucy

I'm so so sorry Brad, I forgot mum was back at work today, I'm looking after Grace, I got back from Megans and found Charl looking after her, you can come over? x

It's not what I wanted the message to be, but it's not the worst it could of been. I quickly type a reply.

1 message to Lucy

Don't be sorry, it's not your fault, I'll come over :) x


I'm currently sat in Lucy's living room playing with Grace. Lucy's in the kitchen making us each a drink. I'm glad we're talking again now, it was killing me not talking to her, we went from talking everyday, to not at all for a few days and the one time we did talk she ended up storming out, and I don't blame her if I'm honest. We became best friends since she moved here and that incident has ruined everything, I'm not sure if we've made up and are best friends again or if we're just friends.

She walks back in the living room placing our drinks on the table before sitting back on the sofa, I stay playing with Grace. Lucy turns the tv over to a music channel. 

After 2-3 songs I leave Grace playing happily with her toys before taking a seat next to Lucy on the sofa. Charl popped her head in before saying bye, she's going to meet James. 

"What shall we do?" Grace looks at me. 

"I don't mind" I answer. 

"Grace do you want to watch High School Musical?" Lucy asks Grace. 

"Yes" Grace runs over jumping onto the sofa before Lucy walks over to the DVD rack and grabbing High School Musical 3 and setting it up. She sits back on the sofa inbetween me and Grace. I wrap my arms round her shoulder pulling her into a hug. Grace leans onto Lucy just as the film starts. 


"I wish I could dance like this" Lucy sighs as the 'can I have this dance' part of the film comes on. 

"Lets practice then" I smile before taking her hand and lifting her up. 

I start to waltz her around the room, if I'm honest, I can't dance either but it's nice to share this moment with her. I know we're not dating and we're just friends, it's nice. 

"Luc" I whisper. 

"What?" She looks up at me confused. 

"You're on my toe" I laugh. 

"Oh - erm, sorry" She giggles as she lifts her foot off mine. Without replying I plant a quick kiss on her forehead. Grace had fallen asleep on the sofa throughout the film so she wasn't awake to see our moment, luckilly. 

As the song finishes we sit back on the sofa. We sit talking for a while before Lucy decides it's time for lunch. 

"Shall we order a Pizza?" she asks. 

"Of course" I smile. 

"What topping? Meat Feast?" she looks at me. 

"Pepperoni" I reply. 

"Meat Feast" She raises her eyebrows. 

"Pepperoni" I start. 

"But if we get Meat Feast it'll have Pepperoni on" She states. 

"But I want Pepperoni" I sigh. 

"My house" She laughs. 

"Not an excuse" I reply before tickling her. 

"B-B - Brad stop" She says inbetween breaths of laughing. 

"Not until you give in to Pepperoni" I raise my eyebrows continuing to tickle her. 

"Not happening" She answers. 

I straddle over her tickling her even more. 

"S-Stop" She laughs even more, wriggling about trying to get away. 

"Let us have Pepperoni then" I smirk. 

"Fine" She says. 

I climb off of her before sitting back on the sofa. 

"Sorted, Pepperoni Pizza it is" I grin. 

She sighs before pulling her phone out to order the pizza. 

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