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Harry was at the sidemen house for the Sidemen Sunday as usual and grace was with me. Sophie started crying because she wanted food so I was giving her breastfeeding, she didn't mind if she saw it or not

"Doesn't that hurt, like does she bite" she asked
"At first it hurts a bit but you get used to it after a while, it can't bite, it doesn't even have teeth yet dumbass" i said and we both laughed and then looked at sophie
"How could i know, i'm the dumbest one of us two and I don't have a baby" she said and i laughed
"Well just think, a baby, doesn't have teeth, they only drink milk" i said
"Okay okay we get itt" "can i hold her again" she asked as Sophie was done eating
"Sure, and now you know what to do when she cries right" i said and i laughed
"Yeah yeah shut uppp" she said and i gave Sophie to her

Grace was talking in such baby language and she made her laugh, my heart could cry, she was laughing, it made me the happiest person in the universe to see my little kid laugh. Suddenly she started crying again and we could actually smell something.

"Oh my god" grace said and i laughed
"Give her to me" i said while i was still laughing and she refused to give her to me
"Nooo, i'll do it, if i need to take care of her when you and harry are gone, i need to do it by myself tho"
"You got a point in that" i said and i let her to it

She was changing her diaper and i was dying at her face. I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore

"Is it so bad" i said while i was laughing
"Um nooooooooo...." she said and we both laughed
"And she's done!" She said
"Pretty good job for the first time in your entire life hm"
"I know rightttt" we both laughed

I'm on my way to Antwerp now djdksjs :)

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