21 - Don't Let Them Know

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✧Previously on Chapter Twenty✧

Warnings: A lot kind of happens in the chapter. There is mentions of blood and minor violence!

Also, I'm sorry the summaries suck. They're a lot harder than you'd think haha . Enjoy x

Harry woke up when the pain inside his body wouldn't cease. There was a deep throbbing in the pit of his stomach and his head thrumming to the beat of his heart. Harry's skin felt like it was burning, and every vein inside his body was as if it was on fire. When Harry finally managed to open his eyes, blinking a couple of times to get used to his surroundings, he saw that he was in the woods. His heart started to quicken when he couldn't familiarize with anything around him, and when he saw that his arms and legs were pinned to a wooden board with silver nails, he was just about ready to have a panic attack. Harry was stuck, and as he tried to move his body to see just how tightly he was nailed to the board, there was a surge of wolfsbane shooting through his system. Harry cried out at the pain and tried to remain as still as possible, blinking to the side and noticing that Lottie was right there next to him, currently held in the same position as he was.

The two of them quickly made eye contact, and right when Harry was about to open his mouth to speak words, Lottie shook her head. Harry raised his eyebrows in confusion, a silent gesture in wanting to know why he shouldn't be speaking. That what was when Lottie mouthed Don't let them know.

Harry tilted his head to the side, mouthing in return Know what?

Magic, she responded.

Harry gulped as he nodded his head, taking in a slow deep breath before he looked ahead of him. He still had no idea where the hell the two of them were, and Lottie didn't even look the least bit concerned or worried, but for some reason, Harry was feeling so nauseous just helplessly being pinned to the board. He didn't like that he wasn't able to move his body, and he didn't like that he had no idea who the heck did this to him. All Harry remembered was seeing the two men in the bakery, and then one of them shooting Lottie in her chest. The reminder sent a shiver down his spine, and if it weren't for the fact that he got injected with wolfsbane any time he so much as moved, he would probably be freaking out a lot more than he was right now. Instead, Harry continued to look around the area. He took notice that dusk was falling over them. The sun was beginning to set beyond the horizon, and a half moon was rising high in the sky. There was a fire set up directly in front of both him and Lottie with a brew pot nestling on top of the wood. Harry could see there was something boiling in the pot, but his sense of smell was so off right now that he wasn't able to catch a whiff. Maybe it was a wolf scent blocker for the sole purpose of no one being able to sniff out him and Lottie.

Off to the side of where Harry was trapped, he saw a gray shack, and walking right out the door were the two men from the bakery. Harry's eyes widen when he saw that they were walking directly towards him, all of them equipped with armor and gear. Each one of them had a full face of facial hair, combat boots, military coats on, and easily looking like cliche hunters, but Harry remembered seeing them flash red eyes, so he knew they had to alphas. Maybe they were the werewolf hunting alphas. Every fiber inside of Harry wanted to completely pull himself away from the men getting any more closer than they already were, and the only thing that was going on inside of Harry's mind was that no matter what happened, he wanted to save Lottie. Harry didn't even care if he didn't make it out alive as long as Lottie was able to break free without any harm. But, one of the hunters walked right up to Lottie, drawing a silver sword out of his weapons holder and baring it right up against Lottie's neck, acting as if he was about to slice her head right off her fragile body.

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