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"I'm going first" he said


"Because I'm better then you" I shook my head in annoyance.

"Where did you go to school?"

"I went to pro secondary school, it was a private school , my years fees were payed so I went but I only stayed for that year"

"My turn, why are you so mean?"

"What sort of question is that?"

"A good one , you have to answer it"

"I don't have to do anything , I'm also a little offended that mean is the only word you could think of to describe me, I don't know why you're so surprised I kill people because I can and I'm mean to people because I can"

"That's not a proper answer"

"What the fuck do you want from me a 10 page essay on why I'm such a prick?" I remained silent

"Yeah i didn't think so , next question did you have any friends?"

"Yeah I had some, but when I dropped out of school I lost contact with them, it was for the best to be honest , there were to many arguments and two faces people"

"Why does your dad have red eyes?"

"Because he's one of the first born, only the most powerful vampires have red eyes"

"Are you sacred of us?" He asks

"Us?" I question


"Yes , who isn't, there's nothing more frightening then knowing there's someone more powerful then you in the world , it's scary not knowing they walk amongst us and could attack and kill at any moment" I truthfully replied

"Why don't you feed of animals?, Blood is blood no matter where it comes from".I questioned

"Why?, you're right blood is blood but why would I drink from an animal when I can drink from a human, once again the answer is because I can"

"Is that you're answer for everything"

"Pretty much"

"What's the point asking you questions if you have the same answer every time"

"Your idea not mine"


"Woah , don't blame me this is I you're idea"

"I'm not going to argue with you , I can see the cottage so let's go"

When we got inside i handed her the bags and the change, she thanked us the i sat down, whilst Ivan left the room.Nicole and Colt were still in the kitchen.

"The potion is almost ready it's taken a lot quicker then I expected, Rogue would you reach one if the pots up there" Rosalie asked whilst pointing towards the stack of pots on top of the cabinet.I happily excepted , I was on my tip toes when I sharp pain shot up my hand.

"Ouch!" I shouted in pain, I dropped the pot on the side , when I looked at my hand there was a slice across my hand , the blood was pouring out.

"Oh my, there must be a loose nail or something I'm sorry I have something that will fix it , just give me two seconds " she quickly walked away and into another room.

"Wrap it up" said Colt

"With what?"

"I don't know but do it fast , your blood smells good and I haven't fed in two days " my eyes grew wide as I searched for a cloth. Then out of nowhere in walked Ivan

"What's all the scr- he stopped mid sentence when his eyes came in contact with the blood on my hand.

He stood there for a few minutes not taking his eyes of my hand. He began to sniff the air , his eyes locked onto mine he slowly walked towards me.

My heart was racing , I was in a room with two hungry vampires and bleeding hand, there could only be one outcome and it wasn't going to be pretty.

He shook his head left and right as of he was trying to wake himself up, he looked confused and dazed, he put his right hand over his for head. Out of know where his fangs appeared, it caused me to inhale a deep breath, when Colt realised he was quickly to his feet and by Ivan's side.

"Ivan what are you doing?" no answer he continued to walk towards me.

"Ivan!" Colt shouted but no reply

Rosalie walked into the room with a green sticky substance, the smell burned my nostrils ,but thankfully it seemed to snap Ivan out of his trance.

"What the hell was that?" Colt questioned

"I don't know , probably the thirst I haven't fed in a week"

"Jesus Ivan , a week I'm surprised you haven't killed us all" Colt complained

He shrugged it off, but his gaze came back to me , this time he looked at me with a confused look, like he assessing me.He shook his head and vanished.

The green substance worked like magic the cut disappeared in minutes and so did the pain.

Nothing interesting happened the rest of the day , the normal actually Nicole would glare at me and I would do the same, Ivan would make a stupid or mean comment towards me and Rosalie would make conversation with me about her life and mine.

I returned back to the library to sleep,like I did everyday since I had been here, once again sleep took over me.

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