Chapter 8 An Attack Of Prey

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Thanks for being pacient, I just been busy with college and other things like getting a new pc.

Anyway enjoy.


3rd Pov

The morning went as usual, (Y/N) and Izumi woke up, izumi blushed, they both got dressed and made their way to UA and walked to their class. The teacher however was not planning any work for today, or so it seemed.

(Y/N) Pov

I was sitting at my desk not wanting to enguage in conversation, when suddenly Mina sat on top of my desk.

Mina: "Sooo! Hunter, why do you hide your face?"

I looked up at her

(Y/N): "The beasts in Yharnam were many, the hunter's attire is one of the standard articles of hunter attire fashioned at the workshop, accompanied with a short cape to wipe away
blood. A fine piece of hunter attire that provides stable defense to anyone facing Yharnam's beastly threat. Allows one to stalk beasts unannounced, by cover of night."

Mina along with everyone else were staring at me with a pale face, After a moment of silence everyone regained their composure.

Mina: "O-oh...... Anyway! I wanted to ask you something...."

(Y/N): "Go on"

Mina: "Do you have a girlfriend"

The room went silent, I looked over at izumi and saw her look slightly jealous, I chuckled

(Y/N): "No, I have not"

I then noticed every girl in class grow a smile except for izumi.

Mina: "Well I do yo-"

Before mina could ask anymore questions Iida ran to us, All the while talking


Mina however did not

Mina: "Jeez why are you always so strict?"


Iida was explaining while doing strange gestures with his hands

(Y/N): 'Strange, not even the madmen would act this way'

Eijira: "Man you need to chill out"

Sero: "Yeah, and what's up with those hand movements?"

The class then laughed at Iida's strange behavior, I just let out a chuckle escape my lips.

After a while the techer came in.

Aizawa: "Ok! listen up, today we'll be having environment training, get your costumes and meet me at the bus."

Aizawa came in and informed us that we'll be making our way to the 'bus' after getting settles next to izumi and decided to close my eyes.

Izumi Pov

I sat next to hunter, After a conversation about my quirk with tsu and explaining why eijira's quirk dosen't need to be flashy, I started hearing singing. I turned my head to hunter and noticed his eyes closed.

_This is what you're singing, also video not mine_

After a while the song started getting more disturbing, I along with everyone elso became quit and stared at hunter as he sang. The song was powerful and me along with everyone elso could hear the instruments playing.

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