Do you wanna build a snowman?

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Luke's P.O.V

Half trough the movie I found Mel all cuddled up by my side trying to hide her face. She's really cute. She was giving me butterflies again. That happens allot in just one day. But I try to ignore it because my mom is her gardien. she was really scared I know how much she hates those movies. "hey, I'm going to the kitchen and get some food..." I informed her.

"Good I'll go with you!" she told me.

I was walking to the kitchen she was just casually running past me to get the lights on. "Ok..... I'm good now."

"You sure?" I asked entering the kitchen.

"Yeah..." As soon as the word left her beautiful lips.... wait what?.... let's try again.. as soon as the word left her LIPS something fell down out of the bleu making her literally jump on me hiding her face on my chest.

"Haha It's ok It was just a plate..." I laughed.

"Oh yeah.... how did it fell anyways?" She whispered the last words. Our face being dangerously close.

"I don't know..." I whispered back. I found myself getting closer... why was I leaning in? Why is she doing the same? oh well... We were so close I could feel her breath in my face. As our lips were about to touch, the door cracked up.

"WHAT HAPPENED WE HEARD SOMETHING FALL AND A SCREAM!" Ashton stormed in worried. We teared apart as fast as we could. I was holding a fork for some reason....

"Nothing... a plate fell... and... and I got scared.... yeah." Mel said rubbing her arm.

"Oh ok. then I'll go. you coming?" ashton asked.

"Yeah we'll be right back!" I said.

As he left Mel was looking at me with an amused look in her face. "what?" I asked.

"A fork? Really?" she said giggling. I just shrugged not knowing what to say after what just happened. "I need to go to the bathroom." she informed. She was beautiful... wait what? ok I need to stop. I actually wish Ash wouldn't have stormed in. Is that weird?

Mel's P.O.V

Jesus Christ. We almost kissed. I was confused. Luke looked confused too and he was holding a.... a fork? ok then...

"What?" he said probably noticing that I was amused by him holding a fork. A FORK! what?

"A fork? really?" I asked giggling. he just shrugged. "I need to go to the bathroom." I informed him. walking out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. as I turned the light's on and looked the door... what I'm alone with nine boys... well ok I'm not worried about that but it would be awkward if one of them just stormed in on me peeing.

As I was washing my hands I looked up at the mirror. And to be honest I look like a total mess! "jesus christ..." My cheeks were so red omg and my hair. OMG. I brushed my hair and waited until my cheeks were back to their natural colour. 20 minutes passed and I was in the bathroom.

"Mel r you ok?" I heard Luke.

"Yeah just chillin'" chillin'? really? my head is a mess. I heard him laugh that made me smile.

"Well ok but chill faster because we are going out!" he chuckled. "you know.... Do you wanna build a snowman?" he sang.

"I'm in!" I cracked the door open not caring about my cheeks. He just laughed. My stomach was going crazy. "but I just ate.." I told my self.

"I know we aren't going out to eat." Luke said I thought he wasn't paying attention.

"Right... I know..." I said awkwardly.

As we got into our room I got my clothes and changed in the bathroom. as I got out all the boys were ready to go. "Let's go..." I said.

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now