g o n e

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i only had him for a short period of time,
but damn it felt like an eternity.
every second became a minute,
and every minute became an hour.

but then you came,
and the hours became minutes,
the minutes seconds,
and the seconds became microseconds.

when he left me i felt no regret,
i only felt relief,
but then you came and swoop me off my feet and trashed my game.

you wanted me,
you got me,
you loved me,
you left me.

i felt my world stop and crash against an invisible wall,
a wall that you created to separate my presence from yours.

and that's when i felt it,
the inscrutable pain in my chest.
i felt that pain.

the never-ending pain that
never heals,
and leaves a never healing scar on your heart.

i never knew that loving you would hurt this much,
i never knew that my once full heart could fall off a cliff,
just to land empty.

i guess i hadn't realized that one person could give so much with just a smile,
and take so much with just words.

"i think we should break up"

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