Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson meets Katniss Everdeen

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A swooshing sound can be heard and three teenagers appeared out of nowhere. "Where are we Harry?" said a bushy haired girl. "I don't know..." said the one with the glasses. Silence. "Let's set up camp." said the other one. Hermione drew her wand out to place enchantments around them but then suddenly a man appeared, dressed in black robes and looks extremely ugly. Harry saw the same thing only there are 3 of them. More and more appeared until they we're surrounded. "Run!" Ron said but Hermione and Harry are not needed to be told because they we're already running. "Snatch 'em!" One guy said and the snatchers started chasing them. The three of them separated but no use, the snatchers were pretty clever. The trio met at the center of the forest, held each other's hands and disapparated. It was a long time before they landed somewhere.... somewhere... somewhere unusual somewhere dark. "Where are we Harry?" Hermione asked but she couldn't see him "Lumos" she muttered and small light appeared on the tip of her wand. "Where are we?" Ron asked lighting up his wand and so did Harry. Then they heard voices. "Three Kindly Ones. All three at once." said a boy. Kindly Ones? What are those? "Come on! The further away we get, the better!" a girl said. "I better ask for some directions..." Hermione said and the boys nodded. Hermione looked where the voices are coming from until she came face to face with two boys and one blonde girl. "Excuse me..." Hermione said kindly. "I'm Hermione Granger, this is Harry Potter-----"pointing at Harry---- "and this is Ron Weasley" Hermione introduced. "We are sort of lost, can you please-----"she started but was cut off when a terrible noise came from behind them. Then a hound size of a rhino with red eyes and long fangs appeared. "Another hellhound!" the blonde girl exclaimed she drew a knife out then a boy with black hair and green eyes took out a ballpen. Hermione raised her eyebrow. What would he do with that? She thought then he clicked it then it turned into a sword. Hermione's eyes widened. These aren't muggles she thought. She drew her wand out and pointed it at the hellhound. It ran towards the boy with the sword. The blonde girl tried to stab it with her knife. Hermione sent sparks from her wand which caught the hellhound's attention. Harry and Ron sent sparks flying too and the hellhound chased them, until it disappeared. "Are you alright?" Harry asked the boy. "Yeah... yeah..." he muttered standing up and keeping the sword. "How did you do that?" the girl asked Hermione. "Do what?" Hermione said. "Sent sparks from that?" she said pointing to her wand. Hermione was unsure of what to say. They are muggles... but unordinary. She thought. "Uhm... okay you see... we are different. We're not at all like you" Hermione explained. "What do you mean?" the other boy said. "You see... we are... uhm..." Hermione started awkwardly. "We are... wizards." Hermione said. "What are you crazy? There's no such things as wizards!" the blonde girl protested. Hermione raised her eyebrow, she looked at the gray eyes of the blonde girl then suddenly near where they are standing, burst into flames. The blonde girl, the black haired boy and their friend looked startled then the fire disappeared. "You we're saying?" Hermione said. "Nothing..." the blonde girl said blushing. "Who are you?" Harry asked. "I'm Annabeth Chase, this is Percy Jackson (the black haired guy) and this is Grover (the other one). We too are different." Annabeth explained. "But unlike you, I mean, we're not wizards but we possess magical powers too." She added. "You see...we are..." she started then she looked at Percy. "I think we can trust them..." Percy said. "Surely you can!" Hermione said. "If we can trust you with our identity, you can surely trust us!"

"Alright... Annabeth and I are demigods and Grover here is a satyr." Percy said. "Satyr? You mean, half man half goat?" Ron asked. Grover gave a "Baa-ha-ha" to answer his question. "Demigods?" Harry asked. "Yes, I'm a son of the god of the seas" Percy said. "Poseidon..." Hermione said and he nodded. "I'm a daughter of the goddess of wisdom." Annabeth said. "Athena" Hermione muttered and Annabeth nodded. "I understand... Okay you see... we're on a mission and we're kind of lost. Can you please tell us where we are?" Hermione asked. "Well right now you're in the woods on the New Jersy riverbank." Percy said. "New Jersy?! You mean... we're in New York?!" Harry exclaimed. "Yes, is there something wrong?" Annabeth asked, Hermione turned to Harry with wide eyes. "How did we get to New York?!" she asked. "I don't know..." Harry said "You're the one who disapparated us here Harry!" Ron said. "Look we were being chased by snatchers I wasn't thinking!" Harry said. "Excuse me... what's wrong?" Annabeth asked. "You see we don't belong here. We're not Americans! We're british!" Hermione said. "How did you get here then?" Grover asked. "Did you pop up from there to here?" Percy asked. "Like that... sort of..." Harry answered. "Okay..." Percy said turning to the others as if Harry was mental. "Sure it would sound weird to a muggle" Ron said. "Excuse me?" Grover asked. "Muggle, non magic folk" Ron said. "Excuse me sir, we're not muggles.. we're demigods" Annabeth said. "Okay... okay..." Ron said. "Harry we have to get back to England now!" Hermione said. "Can I come?" Annabeth asked in a childish way. They all stared at her. "I mean, I'm here to experience things I have never experienced before. Could I disapparate with you?" Annabeth said. "But what about your friends?" Hermione asked. "What about the quest?" Percy asked. "I just want to experience it." Annabeth said. "Then we'll go back to the quest." "Okay, but we're coming with you!" Grover said. "Wait! Wait! Wait! What if we did go back to England? What about you?" Hermione asked unsure. "You could disapparate us back here. Then you could disapparate back" Annabeth said. Hermione tried to protest but Harry answered. "Okay... but if we didn't get back to England don't blame me Hermione" Hermione rolled her eyes and took Harry's hand, Ron took Harry's other hand. "Take my hand" Hermione told Annabeth. She took a hold of it and Percy and Grover beside her. Then they disappeared. It took another long time before they landed on another forest. "Okay, where are we now?" Hermione asked looking around. "Are we back?" Ron asked. "I don't know... it still looks America to me." Percy said. They passed a few trees, looking around. "Where are we?!" Harry exclaimed loudly. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" said a voice from above them. They looked up to see a girl with black hair sitting on a tree branch. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" she asked irritated. "Excuse me?" Annabeth said. The girl rolled her eyes, "What district are you from?" she asked. "District? What? I mean, sorry we're being entirely rude." Hermione said. "I'm Hermione Granger, this is Harry and Ron" she introduced. "And I'm Annabeth and this is Percy and Grover" Annabeth said. "We are sort of lost; can you tell us where we are?" Hermione asked kindly. The girl frowned as if Hermione said something wrong. "And who are you?" Percy said. The girl climbed down from the tree quietly as if she was avoiding someone. "What are you all talking about? Where are you from?" she said. "Like Hermione said, we are lost. And we definitely don't know where we are" Harry said. "Well you're in Panem America of course" the girl replied in a that's-so-obvious tone. "WHAT?!" Hermione and Annabeth exclaimed. "Shhh!" the girl hissed. "How did we get here?!" Hermione asked Harry. "I was concentrating on England!" he said. "So was I!" Ron said. Hermione turned to the other three. "We weren't" Percy said in an apologizing tone. Hermione felt like collapsing. "Is there something wrong?" The girl asked "A huge yes." Hermione muttered. "What's the matter?" the girl said. "We're not supposed to be here. Harry, Ron and I are in a mission. And we're supposed to be in England!" Hermione explained. "And we're supposed to be in New York, we too are in a mission" Annabeth said. "Oh I see... but how did you all get here?" the girl asked. "It's a long story... dealing with the fact that we're not actually like you" Percy said. "What do you mean?" the girl said. "Hermione, Ron and Harry are wizards. Annabeth and I are demigods and Grover here is a satyr" Percy explained. The girl burst into giggles. "You are crazy! Did the other Careers do something to you or what?" she said. "Oh you don't believe us?" Percy said he took Annabeth's knife and wounded his palm. "What are you doing?!" the girl exclaimed. "Do you have water?" Percy asked calmly. The girl stared at him and then she took a water bottle out of her backpack. Percy spilled some water on his wound and then slowly it disappeared. The girl was surely dumbfounded. Harry took his wand out and levitated some leaves. Hermione made them burst into flames until they're gone. "Okay I believe you now..." the girl said. "Good..." Grover muttered. "So what are you doing here anyway?" the girl said. "We are lost remember? We don't know where we are" Annabeth said. "Excuse me; I believe you haven't introduced yourself yet." Ron said. "Oh yes, I'm Katniss Everdeen and I'm from District 12 and you 6 are in a dangerous place!" Katniss said. "Where are we exactly?" Percy asked. "Well, I don't know what part of Panem we are. But one thing is for sure" Katniss said.

"You just entered the Hunger Games".

Hermione's and Annabeth's eyes widened. They are in big trouble.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson meets Katniss EverdeenWhere stories live. Discover now