Chapter- 19

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Song for the chapter " we don't talk anymore" by Charlie puth and Selena Gomez.

Veronica POV:

I was sitting in my room when I heard someone knocking at my door. I opened my door to see my friend Erica with an annoyed face.

"What the hell Veronica, why are you not ready, we have to go to the club she said. Erica, I have already told you I am not a fan of going and chilling in clubs and getting drunk I said.''

"Vee, you are talking like you have gone in so many clubs, girl you didn't even went to one so stop making assumptions and it's not wrong to try something new."

"Please, Erica, I don't want to go, I am not in a mood and" ... she didn't let me complete, "Come on Vee you are never in a mood of doing things a part of your studies. I know your first priority is your studies but by doing a little fun while not distract you from the studies."

''Alright, give me 20 min for getting ready, " she started doing her victory dance. I shake my head by seeing her childish behaviour, we entered the club there was so much of crowd, God how can people enjoy in this crowded place and have fun note the sarcasm for the word fun.

"Girl, you made it I thought you will not come, my friend," Sabrina said while hugging me. I love both of them because of Erica and Sabrina, I don't feel the emptiness of my besties, Tamara and Ashley.

I was dancing the song was Richard and my favourite song, this song has lots of memory of us. I wonder what he must be doing, is he fine, is he misses me or he forgot about me.

He called me many times but being stubborn I didn't pick his calls. now he has stopped calling me and also stopped doing efforts to contact me. I think he has moved on with Hayley.

Richard pov:

I was sitting in my office, yeah you heard it right. I have joined my father business as a CEO, as my dad wanted to be retired from the post he wanted us (William and Richard) to run the business.

As William has started his own business. so, I took the post, I was doing my paperwork. as I opened my laptop a smile came to my face it was a picture of Veronica and me which I have put as a background pic of the laptop.

God, I miss her I called her many times but she didn't answer my calls. I know she is angry at me and I can't blame her, she has the right to be mad at me. that's why I decided to give her time by giving her space.

I was so stupid of not pushing Hayley when she kissed me but I was so shocked that why on earth she pulled that stunt. she knew about me and Veronica I told her the moment my parents announced the engagement and to the top of that Hayley has a boyfriend.

I don't know why she did it, what she wanted to prove. the only thing I know is I lost the girl whom I wanted to treasure. I lost her trust, I miss the way she talks, her laugh, her dimples and I miss her.

Hey, guys sorry for taking so much of time for updating this chapter. I will update the next chapter as soon as possible. 😁

Hope you enjoy the chapter do vote and comment 💓

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