Chapter 4

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(3rd Person)

The meeting ended a while ago, (Y/N) however still had the last few moments stuck in his head: after Phillip had proposed the idea of training him while Azazel trained Issei and Vali, there was a little girl, Phillip's daughter who decided to visit. When she entered, (Y/N) was more than convinced it was Asia due to the innocent and holy glow she gave off while also adorning her looks.

To his disappointment, the girl wasn't Asia, she was in fact Francine Foster, Phillip's daughter. What made it even worse was the way she introduced herself was exactly like Asia would: bowing slightly with both her hands in front of her, a kind smile on her face... she even had Asia's soft and innocent voice. (Y/N) could only take so much, so, he had quickly ran out of the meeting before anyone could stop him.

And now, currently the Evil Energy user was standing outside the mansion he was supposed to stay in, panting heavily while placing one hand on his face and trying to make sense of the things that just happened.

(Y/N): Asia's been kidnapped, remember that, she may look like her, but that's just a fake, someone out to provoke you... she's...

???: Mr (Y/N)?

He slowly turned his head backwards, frowning once he saw Francine standing there, both of her hands behind her back while she walked towards (Y/N) with what appeared to be a concerned expression on her face.

Francine: Did... did I do something to offend you in any way? You hastily exited the room as soon as I arrived, I apologise if I did anything to upset you, and I want to make it up to you somehow.

That sentence only made it worse, it was exactly something Asia would say, she was even making the same facial expressions Asia would in this situation. It made (Y/N) go wide-eyed, turning around with a growl.

(Y/N): Just... leave me alone, don't come near me, don't talk to me and don't even look at me!

Francine: Oh... I see, it's obvious I've done something horrible, I'm so sorry for whatever it is, I...

(Y/N): Stop, right now, just shut it... you have no idea what you're doing by copying her words...

Francine went wide-eyed as she saw (Y/N) grip one of the pillars holding the house up, black and red Evil Energy flying off his wrist while he effortlessly crushed the pillar into pieces, she gulped in nervousness once she saw (Y/N)'s face progressively getting angrier the more she talked, she bowed suddenly.

Francine: I'm so sorry! I didn't realise I have this effect on you! But... may I ask who's words I'm copying? Are they... a lover of yours?

At that, (Y/N)'s patience shot through the roof, he turned with teeth gritted and was very, very close to releasing his Evil Energy into wings, however, the second he turned and got a good look at Francine's face, for a split second, her clothes were different, changing from her current white dress to Kuoh's school uniform, Asia smiled at him before disappearing and revealing Francine once again.

With a growl, (Y/N) stormed past Francine, barging straight past a few angel guards who simply turned to the retreating form of the trench coat wearer in confusion. Both the guards and Francine watched as the angry teenager went up one of the many stairs, slamming a door open so harshly that he caused a massive crack to appear in the wall, then slamming it closed just as harshly, making the door lose a hinge, swinging from its position... only to be kicked off and land in the middle of the room.

Francine cringed when he heard several items being thrown, broken and smashed in his room while (Y/N) kept swearing and shouting, spouting things about Asia with a tone of anger and regret.

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