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"A quest?" Peter paced on his ceiling while holding the phone to his ear. His aunt was listening to music while cooking breakfast but he still tried not to make too much noise so that she didn't try to check on him. "Can I bring Ned?"

"Sorry, dude, you can't," Percy said, sounding apologetic. "Quests are always in threes and we're taking Nico."

"Your cousin? I thought he was, you know, dead."

The demigod snorted, "That's what I thought but it turns out that the dead doesn't really stay dead. Anyways, quest?"

"How long do you think it'll be?" Peter flopped down onto his bed, throwing an arm over his head as he stared up at the ceiling.


"On what?"

"Well," Percy drawled, his New York accent coming through for a second. "Do you want to go off world?"

Peter sat up quickly, his eyes wide, "Like space?"

There was a pause. "Kind of? I sent you an email with all the information. Check it out and tell me what you think."

He put the demigod on speaker before opening up his Gmail app (something that Tony hated with a passion) and opened up the file. He quickly scanned it over, nodding slowly, "I know that quests are usually in threes and all but don't you think we'll need more than just us? Also, there's four actually."


"Yeah. The grey one."

"Oh. Oh, yeah. We'll still be fine on our own. I'm handling that one and the first one. You're handling the second one and Nico has the last one. Sound fair?"

Peter hesitated, "I don't know, dude. Aunt May probably won't let me leave and miss school for a few days..."

"Okay, first off; it's Friday. Second, just tell her you're going on a quest. I dunno, be honest."

"I don't think it'll work. I'll call you back, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Nico and I will pack the essentials and stuff, just bring enough clothes for, like, a week."

"'Kay." Peter hung up before rolling off his bed and making his way to the kitchen, "Hey, Aunt May..."


"Why are we taking this kid?" Nico asked as he leaned on the bed in Percy's room, watching as his cousin pulled clothes from his drawers. "I mean, he's not a demigod, is he?"

Percy paused. "No."

"Then why is he coming? Does he have training?"

Another pause.



The son of Poseidon waved off his concern, "It'll be fine. Trust me, Pete can do anything." His phone started ringing and he grinned, "Speaking of Pete. Hello?"

"It worked. Why did it work? She said to be careful and asked if I needed any supplies. Perce, is my aunt a demigod?"

"What? No."

"Then how does she know about this? She can't know."

"What are you, racist? She's a clear-sighted mortal. Plus, she's friends with my mom. She's practically my aunt, too."

"... Does that make us cousins?"

Percy shrugged, "Sure. Are you on your way?"

"Yup, I just finished packing. Aunt May's driving me. She's telling me something about Drachmas."

The Boy Born From the SeaWhere stories live. Discover now