Primo Giotto

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This time:

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  As he watched Alaude walk away he felt his eyes droop. Back in the mansion he didn't sleep at all because of paperwork. He had only slept for less than an hour before he got back to paperwork because of his Guardians, thus pulling an all-nighter. The closest thing he got to some more sleep was the nap he took.

  He decided to take some rest, since he had nothing to do anyways. He fell asleep almost immediately, consumed by the fatigue and stress throughout the day.

  His slumber was interrupted not long after by a shout. "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!"

  He bolted awake to see G, annoyed. "How long does a brat like you take for a nap??" he scowled. Tsuna scowled back. He needed his goddamn sleep! Why do people keep disturbing his beauty rest???

  "Anyone, brat, Giotto told me to let you go and lead you to the Meeting Room." G unlocked the jailcell. Tsuna sighed and stood up, rubbing his eyes as he stepped out of the jailcell. "My sentence is decided so fast?" he grumbled, creating a tick mark on G's head.

  He reached for his weapons but G stopped him and took them instead. Tsuna silently cursed and walked after G.


  Yawning, Tsuna rubbed his eyes as he walked down the endless hallways. He knew where the Meeting Hall was, he lived here 400 years later, duh, but he still walked behind G to avoid suspicion.

  As they finally reached the Hall, G opened the door. Inside was Vongola Primo, GIotto, and the rest of the Guardians. Tsuna looked around. [I'm really back in the past...]

  His eyes stopped at a certain Melon-head. He scowled. Daemon Spade. He caused SO much trouble in the future...

  "You have a problem with me, spy?" Daemon got alert, taking out his scythe. [Yes, in fact I do.] Tsuna replied in his mind. He can't actually say that and get even more suspicious than he already is, right?

  "Daemon, stay down. Now, Tsunayoshi, we have decided to let you out of the jailcell, but you cannot leave the Vongola territory." Giotto said, his voice serious. Tsuna rolled his eyes. [In the end what was the point of keeping my in that damn jail cell? Whatever, I just need some darn sleep so hurry up.]

  Throughout the years, Tsuna had tons of paperwork, therefore he was always sleep deprived, which led to him throwing a dart to the dartboard every now and then in an attemt to release his frustrations. Pity anyone who had to give him more paperwork. (*cough*Gokudera).

  So everyone now know that sleep-deprived Tsuna was a scary spoilt brat, no one messes with him, even the Varia. Though Reborn might be an exception.

  "Tsunayoshi, you seem tired?" Giotto asked. [Yes, mainly because pinky over there woke me up in the middle of my hard-earned rest.] he smiled, not saying whatever he just did in his mind.

  "Then G can escort you to a room until dinnertime." he said. [I don't need an escort, especially that squid-head who is bound to wake me up in three seconds. I'm fine going myself, thank you very much.] but of course he didn't say it.

To avoid suspicion, he followed G to a guest room where he was to stay.


Should I make one of Tsuna's Guardians appear?

If yes, vote for who~?

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