Homework now, talk NEVER

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  • Dedicated to Charma

To be completely honest, being the epitome of a wallflower has no perks. You are seen as another face in the crowd, as a matter of fact, you aren't even seen.

Though by choice, my situation has gone too far. I chose to wear baggy jeans, band merchandise shirts, and to leave my hair in it lion's mane form. I chose not to look like the next Kylie Jenner, it protected me emotionally, physically and mentally. I rarely get heart broken, I do not get acne from makeup, and my grades remain ivy league worthy. All as a result of a lack of a social status. 

Although I rarely 

For example, this morning.

Arriving at school I took intricate steps to avoid the path of most of my tormentors, but to no avail. I was spotted the one and only Marcus.

Marcus Darwin is a handsome guy, if not for his egotistic player ways he would be perfect. I knew him when he first moved here, but he changed. He became best pals is my Arch nemesis, Janine Casanova. I could bet my next allowance that both of them bonded over their dislike and made it their life goal to torment me.

Here he stood in all God given glory, his wavy brown hair styled in a comb over that fit him nicely. He dressed in designer clothing, and took pride in his appearance, contrasting with my sloppy dressing.

"Did you do the homework from yesterday?" he asked straight to the point.

When am I going to grow some "Female balls" like Bailly always says.

Bailly Brenald is my best friend, she has a  mischievous and outspoken personality. That's why we are really close, opposite do attract. She the brave heroine and I the lowly peasant worker.

"Yeah, I definately got it,"I say, "umm do you need it?"

I sound so pathetic. What I really want to just say is too profane to say I can't, it isn't how the food chain works. It goes populars/bullys, then average people. then wallflowers. The wallflowers don't exactly have a voice, we stick to hiding behind walls like our name indicates. Not really caring if we are taken advantage of, we just want to survive highschool.

"Aww you know me so well, and you know our relationship so well" he mocked in a childish tone.

I am not weak, and I do have a voice. I chose not to use it, not wanting to leave my comfort, not seeing the need to put an effort, just wanting the low-key life.

"Yeah what ever, which one of the homework didn't you do?". I say hiding my sarcasm, but you can still find it if you try hard enough, which I doubt he will take time to decipher. "Algebra, English, or Biology?"

"What if I said all of the above?" I groaned looking at him aspirated.

"Why didn't you do it this time?" I cocked one of my eyebrows up

"There was a game yesterday, I didn't have time" He smirked knowing fully well that I knew it was a lie.

"Whatever here" Tired of the conversation already, I fish out my homework and hand it to him. This has been the trend since 7th grade. He copies it quickly and hands it over.

"Talk to you later"he said walking off. I saw him walk to his group of friend and waves his now complete homework. His friend started to laugh and look at me, Marcus turned around and grinned like the Cheshire cat. Deciding it was best to leave now, I turned around and headed to my first class.

"Just two more years of high school" I say under my breathe as I sigh. The routine is homework now, talk never.


Well as you can see, I am not perfect. Well read my story of how this nerds life, becomes a total Cliche or is it just another maniacal little twist in the game called life.

Cue evil laugh

This chapter has been edited to the best of my abilities. Don't hate.

Thanks for reading loves.



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