Sick Days

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It was just a normal plain day at Hogwarts. It being the weekend, but what wasn't normal that Severus wasn't walking around the halls often or at Hogsmeade for anything. Instead, he was aiding his sickly wife who stubbornly refused to take any medicine for her small simple cough the other day or the day before when a sick student told her that they wouldn't be able to attend classes. So here we are. "Sevvvyyyy, I'm fine. I'm just sick with the cold," (F/n) whined to her husband who propped a pillow for her head due to her bad neck which has been with her for over ten years after she kept falling out of bed during her years at Hogwarts.

"I am to worry about your heath, love. Even if it were to be a small little cough. And you should have listened to me when I told you to take some medicine for it," he scolded her causing her to cross her arms and pout. "You're just overprotective, Severus," she muttered causing him to flick her forehead. He hated when she just called him 'Severus'. It usually meant she was angry... but there are times he does love it when they're in bed together or when they're saying I love you to each other. Other than that, he hated it.

"(F/n), you are my wife. I'm always going to be overprotective of you," he spoke as she looked away. He sighed before getting up. "I will be back with some soup and chamellia tea. Anything else I should get?" he asked as she replied with, "A huge cup of hot chocolate." "No sweets, my dear," he reminded as she covered herself with the blanket causing Severus to sigh before leaving to get her some soup and tea, maybe even a Pepperup potion... maybe mix the Pepperup potion in her tea. She's going to hate him for it, but it's better than nothing.

(F/n) lied in bed, starring at the wall, deep in thought. She and Severus have been married for five or so years, and yet life felt a bit incomplete without the sound of little feet running around and small laughters. Sure, she knows Severus dreads the thought of children even if he watches after children almost every year. But the thought of having children? It had to be one of the top ten things that are off the table of thoughts for Severus and on the top five things he wants to avoid. (F/n) sighed before hearing her stomach growl angrily for food.

She pats her "pet" of a stomach while thinking, "I know belly. I want to eat too." after a bit of time, she got up and got her shoes on before checking outside hers and Severus' quarters. She left and quickly made her way towards the Black Lake to relax and get some fresh air... sadly she was stopped by Minerva. "(F/n), dear, why are you out of bed?" she asked as (F/n) replied with,

"I hate being bedridden for starters, and two, I don't want to see Severus right now, so if he comes to you to ask where I went, relay this message, "I would kindly like Severus Tobias Snape-Prince to kindly leave me be so I, (F/n) (M/n) (L/n)-Snape, can get over this cold on my own due to not needing any medicine or help."

Minerva was stunned by (F/n)'s words. Sure, it was to no ones surprise that she get moody and a bit more sassy when she's sick, but not like this. Maybe it could have been her lack of sugar or because Severus scolded her for not taking any medicine yesterday when he told her too. "Very well then, (F/n). But be sure to tell Hagrid that you're hiding from Severus," she spoke as (F/n) took off. Severus was heading back to his quarters with (F/n)'s soup and her tea that had Pepperup in it so she'll recover quickly. When he opened the door, he saw the bed was gone. "Stubborn woman," Severus sneered in his thoughts before putting down the tray then taking off to ask if anyone has seen her.

After asking Filius, Filch, Pomona, he asked Sybill who said she didn't know, but he did her her say, "I seen a child being born at the end of May... dark like a Slytherin, yet light of a true Hufflepuff who's fate is unbeknownst... dark humored yet caring." or something like that. He didn't care what she really had to say. The damn woman mostly spoke of death and how someone is going to die. It wasn't until he got to Minerva to ask. "Severus... (F/n), she uhm..." she tried to explain. She sighed before shaking her head. "She went outside, saying she wanted some air. You know a free spirited person hates being cooped up," she spoke as Severus replied with, "Thank you Minerva." before taking off to get (F/n).

(F/n) was outside, petting Fang while Buckbeak while next to her, laying down, watching. "Seems like ya have a thing with animals, eh (F/n)!" Hagrid exclaimed while (F/n) was smiling happily. "Seems like I do. They always calm me," she replied back as Fang looked behind (F/n) and barked before running to Hagrid who was petting a small kitten who had wandered into the grounds while Buckbeak got up and walked over too. "Ello Severus!" (F/n) got stunned as she felt eyes boring into the back of her head, trying to drill holes into her. "Rubeus," Severus spoke coolly as (F/n) looked at Severus. "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy" (F/n) spoke as she tried to get away. Severus grabbed her arm carefully before helping her up.

"I'm guessin' (F/n)'s in trouble because she's sick?" Hagrid asked while Severus looked at him, confused on how he knew. "She got sick because old Fang here is also sick!" Hagrid spoke while Fang sneezed while pawing his nose. Severus' eye twitched a bit. "Explain to me how that happened," Severus spoke with venom in his voice. "It was the other day, (F/n) said she wasn't feelin' all that good after coughing a tiny bit, here and there. She came over and helped me with Fang, Buckbeak, and the Thestrals! Soon, after we feed the Thestrals, Fang started sneezing and (F/n) went to sooth him as a loving mother would for her sick child, soon after, Fang sneezed in (F/n) face which she didn't really mind. And so, here we are now," Hagrid explained while Severus was looking at (F/n).

"Sorry, Sev," she muttered as Severus patted her head lightly. "Thank you for telling me, Rubeus. Come along now (F/n)," he spoke before dragging her away. "See ya tomorrow Hagrid!" Once they got to their quarters, Severus hugged her. "I was worried about you. I was about to find that Richer boy and blame him for getting you sick," he muttered while (F/n) rolled her eyes. "Calm down, Severus. You're not going to blame Hagrid and Fang that I got sick, are you?" she asked as she sat down and started eating the soup Severus got for her. "No. But I will ask why you left the room when you're sick." "One, I hate being cooped up, you know this fully well, two, I'm not THAT sick, just a bit sick, three, I wanted to help Hagrid with the animals," she replied back as Severus sighed before kissing her forehead.

"Just be glad you're okay," he spoke bluntly, but deep down she knew he cared. She took a big glup of her tea before steam came out of her ears. "AAAAA SEVERUS, I HATE YOU!" she roared like a lion while Severus couldn't help but chuckle at her sudden outburst. 

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