Love sick - Norman pt 2

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Norman X Reader


"How did you know that I've murdered Ray?" Norman asked Isabella suspiciously Isabella smirked the only thing that came out of Isabellas mouth was.

"I saw"


It was time to prepare for dinner Ray and Norman was supposed to be helping Isabella and the others to prepare dinner.

None of the boys showed up which made Isabella suspicious she looked at her compad and she saw that both of them were heading towards the wall.

Isabella panicked and quickly rushed over to the wall she looked up and saw Norman pushing something or someone off the wall.

Isabella quickly hid behind a tree her hand on her mouth she was trying to calm her breath 'Why would he do such a thing?!' Isabella thought in distraught.

Isabella heard Norman humming a tune she tried to get a better look at Norman she caught a glance of him smilling happily.

'He's happy too' Isabella thought as she panicked 'what am I supposed to say when it's time for Rays shipment?!'

As Isabella was battling in her thoughts she went back quietly trying not to get caught by Norman.

When she went back she didnt see Norman at first but saw a stressed out Y/N calling out for Ray.

Y/N's eyes was in tears calling out for her bestfriend Isabella truly pittier her she knew what happened to Ray.

Isabella carefully and gently placed a hand on Y/N's hand she forced out a smile and smilled gently towards Y/N.

"What are you doing Y/N why aren't you in the dining room with the others?"Isabella asked even though she knew what Y/N was doing.

"I'm looking for Ray Mama" Y/N said as she released a distressed sigh "I can't find him" Isaebella felt her heart ache.

"You can go to the dinnjng hall first I'll find him" Isabella spoke calmly even though she knew what happened to Ray.

-End of flashback-

Isabella looked calm on the outside talking to Norman but deep down she was panicking not knowing what to do.

Norman's smirk widen "So you witness it" Norman calmly said "The murder of your own son" Norman looked at Isabella.

"I kind of pity you Mama" Norman said as he spat the word 'Mama' like venom "But he got in the way between Us."

Isabella grew curious of Norman "Who?" Isabella carefully questioned the male infront of her.

Norman said as he smiled gently at his Mother "Someone very very dear to me" Norman sighed day dreaming to cloud nine.


Isabella's world seems to stop for a minute
"Y-Y/N?" Norman went back to reality "Yes,
Y/N My Y/N."

"Ray was getting way to close for my liking towards her only I can do those stuff to her so I got rid of him."

Norman laughed "No one gets in the way between us" Norman glared at Isabella "Not even you cant stop me."

Norman stood up of his chair and went outside this left Isabella stunned 'What has gotten in to him?'

Norman made his way down stairs smilling like always playing it cool like nothing has happened like murdering Ray cold blooded didn't happen.

'For her I'll do anything even if it means that I'll kill everyone in this plantation' Norman thought seeiously.

"Norman!" called out a breathless Emma "Have you seen Ray none of us has seen him everyone and we are worried sick espacially
Y/N" Emma panted.

Norman's face darkened abit "No I have not seen Ray" Norman said coldy before leaving Emma behind to go to Y/N.

'Y/N' Norman blushed 'We'll escape together one day and have a family' Norman day dreamed 'She's perfect'.

"Y/N" Norman placed a hand on the girls shoulder gently "Are you ok?" Norman faked an act of worry towards the girl.

"Oh no don't cry Y/N" Norman said as he looked everywhere to see a tissue box and took one tissue to wipe the girls tears off.

"N-norman!" Y/N jumped towards Norman for a hug "I c-can't find R-ray anywhere!" Y/N continued to cry on Norman's shoulder.

Norman glared at the floor "Shh don't cry Y/N" Norman carressed the girl's back 'Only I can do this no one else can' Norman thought.

'So warm' Norman thought hugging the girl "Please don't cry for me I hate to see that beautiful face of yours in tears" Norman said wiping off more tears.

"Mama said that she'll find Ray" Norman said knowing full well, Ray has died murdered by his own friend.

"O-ok I'll stop crying" Y/N said and smiled towards Norman "Ray must be somewhere he won't go far right?" Y/N asked.

'Wrong' Norman chuckled "Yea he won't go far" 'If you dont count heaven or hell far' Norman smirked evily without Y/N noticing.

'Soon she'll know that she's mine'



Hope y'all enjoyed
I didn't post for a long time
sorry but I was caught up
by webtoon

________________________________Hope y'all enjoyed I didn't post for a long timesorry but I was caught up by webtoon

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