Chapter 1: New girl

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Amaya Yuuka Pov

This school need me. I am it's Queen.

"Omg Amaya can you believe it!? My crush is straight! Why are all the girls straight?!?! Even if I liked guys I wouldn't be able to find any because this is a all girl school!" My best friend Chiyo exclaims clearly frustrated but I couldn't be bothered.

Right now I am surrounded by all these people since I'm so popular, and of course my friends Chiyo Yamamoto and Eika Ito.

"Amaya, are you okay? You seem... out of it..." Eika says to me as she looks at me worridly

But I was to busy staring at (y/n) to reply to her.

There was a new girl in our class. In Fujioka High. Her name was (y/n) (l/n). She was really pretty and cute~

But her attention was taken up by Azami Tanaka, seems like she already got a friend.


The bell went and everyone went to their desks and Chiyo and Eika sat on either side of me.

"Okay class~ , first up I will pair you off with a partner for your first task. You will need write a essay on (idk what to out here, choose whatever). Now I will call your names.

Chiyo Yamamoto and Azami Tanaka-"

I could hear Azami groan as Sensei said that, clearly wanting to be with (y/n)

Aina and Airi

Oka and Itsumi

Kaori and Kinuko

Eri and Chizuru

I was already getting bored....

Amaya and (y/n)

I smirked to myself


She shyly walked over to me

"Don't be shy, I don't bite.... yet" I said smirking at her. She blushed cute and sat down next to me

"U-ummmm, so.... what do you think we should write down?" She said innocently

Her sweet voice caused butterflies to rise in my stomach.

What is this feeling?

"We should research. Lemme get my computer." I said and got my computer from the back.

We wrote down notes and after awhile I decided, fuck work, let me talk to this hotie

"So, you're new here right"

"Y-yes" she stuttered cutely

"Where'd you come from?"

"(Country). I just moved here"

"Nice.... do you like this place"

"Ya, way more than (country)"

And before I could say anything more the bell rang for lunch

(Y/n) (l/n) Pov

I woke up in my bed at 7:51 by my mother telling me to get up to get ready for my first day of school.... damn I overlslept....

I just moved to Tokyo Japan from (country) to go to a all girls Japanese school.

I'm not gonna lie, I can't say I miss my old school. I guess wherever I go I still am gonna hate school.

I decided to look at my instagram and see some memes to calm me down

All I got to see was my screen page before my mum yelled for me to come and get my breakfast.

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