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Hello everyone, I am not dead!!
I am still working for the next chapter which is going to be really long, so it might take some time for me to publish it :).

Meanwhile, I decided to make a quiz for this story!!!

Can you pass this quiz WITHOUT cheating and reading the previous chapters?

Without further ado, let's jump straight in the quiz! :)

-Remember/Write down the letters of the choices you made to reveal your score!-

How old is Y/n?

A: 19 years old
B: 20 years old
C: 21 years old
D: 22 years old

Which was the third Creepypasta(s) that arrived in the story?
A: Masky and Hoodie
B: Toby and Helen
C: Eyeless Jack and Laughing Jack
D: Nurse Ann and Sally

Which Creepypasta is afraid of the dark in it's small form?

A: Toby
B: Masky
C: Sally

Which Creepypasta got popular in the story for saying 'Dead.' ?

A: Masky
B: Toby
D: Jeff

What was the blue haired girl's name?

A: Amanda
B: Zoey
C: Leila
D: Lola


A 'thank' you wasn't enough...'
Which Creepypasta though this sentence?

A: Ben
B: Jeff
C: Toby
D: Masky

And the last question...

Which is the biggest Yandere in this book?

A: Helen
B: Toby
C: Masky
D: Hoodie


How was the quiz? Easy? Not? Did you remember a lot of things? Well, we will see in the results...

In every question you answered right, you get 10 points! If you get all 70, then congrats, you have a great memory OwO :D! .......Unless you f""cking cheated.


QUESTION 1: The answer is.... D: 22! It is mentioned on the first chapter of this book.

QUESTION 2: The answer is.... A: Masky and Hoodie! Those are the little devils that sneaked inside the house.

QUESTION 3: The answer is.... B: Masky! He was the one who seeked for Y/n's comfort when he felt tired and wanted to sleep, but he was too afraid to sleep on his own.

QUESTION 4: The answer is.... D: Jeff! A lot of commenters commented on that sentence and I believe he got popular by saying this, so I will be surprised if you answered that incorrect, but still, everybody makes mistakes.

QUESTION 5: The answer is.... A:Amanda!

QUESTION 6: The answer is.... C: Toby! He felt like a simple thank you wasn't enough for him... What did he really wanted? A hug and waffles? Or.... Something else? Who knows what is going on inside that little bean's head?

QUESTION 7: The answer is.... A: Helen! I will be a bit surprised if you didn't remember that, unless you skipped the chapter where you hang out with him, so you probably had no idea. And if you think that Toby is the biggest Yandere in the store, then not. Of course he loves her to DEATH, but comparing him to Helen, Helen is the most twisted one.

How did you go? Which was you score? Good? Bad? If bad, that is okay, because you got the chance to remember something facts!

I hope you enjoyed the small quiz, and the next chapter is still being worked on!

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