#81. Nightmares » Chris

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She tossed and turned viciously before jumping awake with a yelp. Marina covered her mouth and peered up the stairs to see if Chris had heard her. When no lights turned on, and he didn't come down over the stairs, she relaxed back onto the couch.

Marina was one of Chris' old friends from Boston who was in the process of moving to Los Angeles. She was still trying to find a place to live, and her things were being shipped to Los Angeles. So, until she got a place and until she had her things, Chris was letting her crash on his couch.

It had been going pretty smooth for the past few weeks. Marina was a pretty good temporary roommate; she cleaned after herself, she cooked from time to time, when Chris had to leave for filming she took care of Dodger. She was almost feeling too at home, and she knew she had to find an affordable place soon, which was easier said than done when even the cheapest of places cost half of Marina's bank account.

On this particular night, Chris and Marina had been watching the new remake of It and Marina had fell asleep during it. Chris must've covered her up and gave her her pillow because the last thing she remembered was her head on his shoulder and drifting off as the poor Loser's Club saw Pennywise for the first time.

As expected, Marina had nightmares about the movie. She realized she had broken out into a cold sweat, and lying on the couch in the dark by herself was not helping her get back to sleep.

Sighing heavily, Marina pulled herself up from the couch and made her way to Chris' room. She made sure to keep her steps light as not to wake him before reaching his room.

She pushed his room door open. Chris was sound asleep, lying on his side with one arm tucked under his pillow and the other placed on his dog, Dodger's, back, as if he fell asleep petting his dog. Marina couldn't help but chuckle because that was definitely what happened.

Dodger's eyes opened suddenly, hearing Marina's low chuckle. His head shot up and his tail began wagging excitedly seeing his newest friend standing at the door. His tail started hitting Chris' legs, which caused Chris to slowly stir awake.

"Dodger, buddy," Chris groaned. "Go back to sleep, it's not time to be up."

Dodger jumped up from his spot on the bed and walked over to Marina, shoving his wet nose into her hand as a way to ask her to pet him.

"Dodger," Chris groaned again, finally sitting up and slowly blinking awake. He stopped a moment when he noticed what had woken Dodger up. "Oh, sorry Mar. I didn't realize you were there. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Well, kind of," Marina sighed. "I'm sorry I woke you."

Chris chuckled. "Marina, obviously something is wrong. I'm okay with you waking me up. Now, tell me what's wrong."

"I had a nightmare," she finally explained. "About the movie. I just couldn't be by myself. I didn't really think about the fact that you were asleep, I just came up."

"Well, I can't blame you. You fell asleep watching a horror movie," Chris teased. "It's fine, though. If you want you can sleep up here with me."

Marina shrugged. "It'd be better than sleeping alone."

She turned and started for the door when Chris asked, "Where are you going?"

"To get my blankets and pillow," Marina responded.

"Well...I sort of meant...if you wanted...you can sleep in my bed. You know...with me."

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