File: The Split

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"Did Percy seem mad?" Steve asked, looking around at the rest of the Avengers.

"Yeah," Bruce handed Loki a cup of tea, smiling at the god. He focused on the Captain, "Percy doesn't usually vocalize his hatred for you like that."

Tony tilted his head, ignoring how Steve's mouth dropped open in shock, "I wouldn't say hatred. Just a... Very clear dislike."

"Clear is not the word I would use," Loki shook his head, taking a sip from his drink. "Father is the master at being passive aggressive."

"He hates me?" Steve blinked, eyes wide.

Bucky rolled his eyes, "Don't be so surprised, punk. You probably just annoy him a lot."

"How would I annoy him?"

Clint snorted, "Let's see... You're a morning person, you're optimistic, you're rule-oriented. Gee, I wonder how you'd annoy him. You're basically his complete opposite."

Loki was content with listening to the Avengers argue about who Percy truly disliked and who, besides Tony, did he like the best. He went to take a sip of his drink and he sputtered into the tea when he felt the energy from the Bifrost.

Thor wheezed as he choked on a piece of his Pop Tart and smacked his chest for a moment. "Did we- Did we ever ask Father where he intended on going?"

"I don't believe we did."

Tony rubbed his face tiredly, "Where'd Percy go this time?"

Loki gulped, "Father is in Asgard."


"Hello, Heimdall," Percy said when their trip through the Bifrost ended.

Heimdall inclined his head in greeting, "Perseus. How may I help you today? I was not expecting a visit from you."

The son of Poseidon scoffed, "Don't lie. You knew this was going to happen."

The guardian's mouth twitched into a smile, "Perhaps. You shouldn't be here."

"Are you going to stop me?"

Nico and Peter decided to stay quiet and watch the exchange with morbid fascination. It was almost like the demigod and the Asgardian were familiar with each other but also not at the same time.

"Are you a danger to Asgard?" Heimdall countered.


"To the Allfather?"

A slow smirk made its way onto Percy's face, "Oh, most definitely."

Heimdall nodded, "You may proceed then." He glanced at Nico and Peter, "And what will they be doing?"

Nico stepped forward, "My name is Nico Di Angelo. I need to get to Helheim and speak with Lady Hel." He gestured to Peter, "This is Peter Parker. He needs guidance on where Jörmungandr resides on Earth. Can you help us?"

The guardian was silent for a moment. "I can direct young Peter to the location Jörmungandr was last seen. You, however..." He drummed his fingers lightly on the hilt of his sword. "I cannot just simply send you into Helheim. If I do, you will immediately get attacked on sight and Hel will refuse to speak with you about the subject you seek to discuss."

"What can I do then?" Nico sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. "I have to talk to her."

"I will send you to where Móðguðr guards the bridge. She will decide if you can enter Helheim and speak with Hel. However," Heimdall almost seemed amused. "You are severely under dressed."

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