Stole My Heart - Chapter 6

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Niall POV:

The next morning, I woke up to the sun shine peeking through the hotel curtains. I didn't remember where I was until I fully opened my eyes and realized Baylee was still wrapped in my arms. Was I the only one who noticed how it felt like she belonged here in my arms? Probably. I stared at her while she was sleeping peacefully. She's so beautiful. There's something about her that just makes me want to hold her forever. I know I can't though...I better get up and shower.

I slowly and carefully unwrapped my arms from around her, not wanting to wake her up. I tucked her back in and headed towards the shower.

When I got in the shower, a ton of thoughts clouded my mind. Will Simon and Paul agree to let us take her on tour? Will she have fun? And why do I care so much about her? What is going on with me?

After I was done showering I got out, got dressed, and walked back into the room. Baylee wasn't in the room. Where was she? And what smelled so good? I followed the amazing scent and it led me to the living room, where Baylee was setting our breakfast up. Her back was turned to me, so I swiftly walked up behind her and covered her eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Well, guessing by the accent and you being the only other one in this room...Niall?" she giggled.

I uncovered her eyes, and she turned around smiling at me.

Baylee's POV:

Niall laughed and uncovered my eyes. I turned to smile at him, and when I did his eyes bore deep into mine. It caught me off guard. Without warning, I got lost in his deep blue eyes. After a few long seconds I realized I was staring and quickly looked away, blushing.

"Well I ordered breakfast. I hope you like eggs and bacon."

"Yeah, I love it. Thanks Baylee!"

"It's the least I can do."

"Hey Uhh, I'll be right back."

"Uhhh, okay."

Where was Niall going? He rushed upstairs and I heard a door close. While he was gone, I finished setting our plates and food. He came back downstairs with a huge grin on his face.

"You alright Niall?"

"I'm great. Wanna know why?"



"'re about to eat?"

"No. Weeeellll, that's part of the reason."

I chuckled. "What is it then?"



"Yes! Everyone agreed! It's all set!"

"Thank you Niall!" I ran to him and jumped into his arms, embracing him in a tight hug. He was still holding me when I let go of him. I ended up lost in his eyes again, and our lips got extremely close. Right before we kissed, I pulled away. Niall did too, and put me down carefully.

He cleared his throat. "So babe, we have a day off. What would you like to do?"

"Well, whatever you'd like. You're the one who works hard. Me, I'm just a high school student." My eyes grew wide. Oh no! I was supposed to start my senior year today! Niall must have remembered too.

"You were supposed to start school today, weren't you?"

"Yeah. Maddy's probably flipping out."


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