Chpater 15

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There was complete silence, the tensed atmosphere carried an electric buzz. My every breath started suffocating me, I looked at him. Unable to form a single rational thought in my brain. I wanted to cower away.I do not blink at him, I just silently sit there, waiting for his next move, anticipating his next word. I had a desperate urge to run away for my life, I did not want to have 'talk' with this cunning business Mogul. We are going to finally acknowledge this, the circus he made

He swirls his drink and eyes me through his lashes, his eyes never left mine and somehow I knew they were hiding a big agenda. A sob was struck in my throat and another word from him, I was likely to cry my guts out. Don't blink Nevaeh, you are prepared for this. Do this for you father, for your family. You owe it to him.

"There are few interesting theories you put forward regarding our union" his voice had a curious edge to it, but deep down I know he was trying to mock me. Taking a deep breath I silently speak out. My voice comes out in an extremely low pitch.

"Mr.Rodriguez, what you suggested isn't professionally desirable" I clasp my hands together which were shaking.

"I'm not a fool MsCraig, I know what I speak. It's repercussions and it's benefits alike" a chill runs down my spine, his words were suggestive

"A union between and man and a women is a sensitive issue, dragging it into our respective personal lives will pave way for implications"
I try averting my eyes, but he had his complete attention rested on me, focused on me. I was his target.

His fingers claps together while he leans on the table,
"I put forth my bargain Ms.Craig and I won't take it back. The choice is up to you" his lips curve, he was enjoying cornering me.

"Sir, Park Enterprises is an ethical firm and the loses that it incurred puts thousands of its employees lives at stake, don't you think a decision which is purely out of one's preference should play with their lives like that?"  he puts down his fork and looks at me with his usual stoic stare, I wish Summer was here. Talking with this man felt deadly. He was so unpredictable

"Park Enterprises is not the only Firm I think about Ms.Craig and personally—

He tilted his head a little right and narrows his eyes at me,

"—things will run smooth for a lot of them after this union, which includes Park Enterprises" he munches in his meat without a care, there was a masculine energy about him, it was too powerful to ignore.

"It's my life...Mr.Rodriguez, I'm too young for..a marriage" I was trying my best to suppress my cry. Dad was right he had things fixed in his brain. I shouldn't be talking to him, especially about a sensitive issue like this nor I'm I professionally qualified to understand his tactics. I feel extremely vulnerable and he is taking complete advantage of that. This is a game I'm designed to lose.

"Honestly Ms.Craig, it doesn't concern me"he arrogantly states it. I'm not ready for this and it doesn't concern him!How can he be so emotionless.

"Let's get things straight Ms.Craig, I don't like beating around the bush. I want a wife. You are a potential candidate and it's a win-win situation. I'll promise you Park Enterprises will be in safe hands. You know the condition" his authoritative voice left no room to argue. My eyes were welling up, he was blocking my escapes. A tear slips down my cheeks and I immediately wipe it off, however it didn't go unnoticed by Mr.Rodriguez he chose not to speak and I didn't know what to.

"Cecelia is interested, I'll let her know this" I try putting it forward politely. I'm not ashamed anymore, he wants a wife and she wants his money. It will be a 'win-win 'situation for both of them. Park Enterprises is theirs and honestly I don't want me and dad to get struck in this. I know this company is dad's baby, but the situation is getting out of control. I don't care about his plans as long as I'm not part of it.

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