6.1- The Secret We Couldn't Keep

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The very air smothered me, making my breathing quicken. I nodded and made it out the door before my limbs shook too much. What on earth had just happened? Like navigating in a fog, I pushed myself forward, out of the antechamber. The Minister's words rang in my ears, on repeat, as if a sadistic part of me cherished them.

The man who'd brought us here stood outside the lift. What before had seemed a jovial grin, now mocked me with its cheer. His dark eyes glinted as he noticed me, and my skin crawled at the thought that he might have heard what had happened in the office.

'Everything okay?' he asked, as he pulled the creaking cage open.

'Ye-ah.' My voice cracked despite my best efforts, and I cleared my throat.

Once he shut both doors, the glass outside that had enthralled me just minutes ago vanished. I didn't know if I was ever going to see the lights of the town again. All that remained was the faint glow from above. It left us and most of the bars of the cage in shadow. Chains I couldn't see clinked and clanged as the lift made its way down.

'Don't worry too much, kid. I remember my first meeting, nerve-wracking too. He's really not so bad though, once you get to know him,' The man said over the noise. Even amongst the darkness, or perhaps because of it, his teeth shone like a beacon.

I ran a hand through my hair, strands sticking to my palm. For all I knew, he could be right. But I doubted he'd told a fib a toddler could see through.. 'I guess, thanks.'

'No problem, kiddo.'

The lift bounced to a stop, metal brakes whirring as it brought an end to its momentum. Muffled footsteps and far away voices snuck in the cage from the ground floor. My eyes stung as the doors flew open, and I blinked off the flashing afterimage.

'Tahro.' called out a girl's voice as I made to follow the Supervisor along the corridor.

Kaede, Tsubasa and Daisuke stood to the side of the room.. The first two waved at me, while Daisuke's nose was buried deep in a frayed mammoth of a book. Tayo circled Tsubasa's feet, chasing an insect, as I joined them.

'You waited for me?'

Kaede crossed her arms, and frowned. 'Well, of course, we're a team now.'

I shrugged and tried not to think about how much longer that would last.

'A-are you a-alright?' asked Tsubasa, his glasses failing to hide the crinkles of worry around his eyes.

I plastered a smile on. 'Yeah. I was just nervous, that's all.'

'What did the Minister want though?' asked Kaede.

His words echoed in my ears just as loud as when he'd said them. If only I could go home now, bury myself in my blanket and forget this whole thing even happened. 'I asked to meet him yesterday, so he wanted to know why. I, um, I told him I wanted to talk about becoming a permanent squad member.'

She unlocked her arms and beamed. 'That's great! What did he say?'

Nothing Kaede thought, if I had to guess. 'Well, um, he said-- he said he needed more time.'

'I'm sure it'll work out fine.' She patted my shoulder.

Tsubasa nodded at her words, although the crinkles around his eyes remained where they were. Could nature whisperers tell what a person was feeling? Or if they were lying? I sighed. As if I didn't have enough things to worry about.

'I hope so.' And I wholeheartedly did.

Daisuke slammed his book shut. A smirk tugged at his lips, as he shifted his attention to us. 'When are we going to see Ahio?'

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