Too Many Chances (Part 3)

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Lissy- Dammit! It's only 11:45 and I'm currently sitting in the school office waiting for Danny to come and get me. I knew I was in big trouble but oh well. I closed my eyes rethinking about what had happened 30 minutes ago

-30 minutes ago-

Lissy- I left my first class of the day when I ran into my best friend Sarah. "Hey Sarah"

Sarah- "Hey girlfriend. Whatca doing tonight"

Lissy- "Dont know yet. My Uncle is watching me while my Dad is gone doing some work stuff"

Sarah- "Well if your not going to do anything, there is going to a party on Waikiki beach tonight at 9 if you want to come"

Matt- "She wont come because her Dad wont let her"

Lissy- "News flash Matt my Dad isnt here"

Matt- "Then your coming then"?

Lissy- "I don't know"

Sarah- "Her Uncle is watching her so she can go

Dave- "Yeah and her Uncle works with her Dad"

Matt- "See what did I tell you, she wont come"

Lissy- "Shut up Matt. Im going to be there"

Kelly- "How if he's watching you"?

Lissy- "Ill figure a way to go. Matt can you come pick me up"?

Matt- "Cant do it hun, my parents took my license away"

Kelly- "Why"?

Matt- "Cause I forgot to pick up my sister"

Lissy- "Hahaha"

Matt- "Shut up McGarrett"


Tani- "So did he tell you why he left"?

Danny- "He kinda did but not much information though"

Lou- "So he called you asking you if you could watch Lissy"?

Danny- "Pretty much along with other things which I can't say"

Ring Ring....

Phone call with the principal

Danny- "Hello. Williams here"

Principal- "Hi Mr. Williams, I understand that your watching Steve McGarrett daughter"

Danny- "Yes Sir I am. What happened"?

Principal- "She got caught grafititng the school buildings and I need you to come and pick her up"

Danny- "I am on my way"

Principal- "Thank you Sir"

End of phone call....

Lou- "Who was that"?

Danny- "It was Lissy school calling asking me to come and pick her up because she was got grafititng the school"

Tani- "What are you going to do about it"?

Danny- "To be honest I dont know"

Lou- "Well you got to do something about it"

Danny- "I dont know. Don't you think Steve should take care of it"

Junior- "I agree with Danny here. I dont think he should discipline her without Steve being here"

Lou- "Well I tend to disagree. If Danny is going to watch Lissy then he should discipline her whether if Steve is here or not. It will show Lissy who's in charge"

Danny- "I know but still"

Lou- "Steve trusts you in these kind of situation Danny"

Danny- "I'll see what I'll do. Now we have work to do"

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