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Krist looked at the painting-like scene of beautiful omegas having fun and playing around with each other in front of him with disinterest. Once in awhile, he would notice his fellow slaves glancing towards him once in awhile including the servants appointed to them. His own maid, Neen, gently smiled at him when she saw him look at her. He didn't bother to return her smile. Neen is a beautiful beta and at one point, he thought they could be friends. But he thought wrong.

Betas are paid by alphas to watch over their slaves, not to be friends with them. Neen pointed that out quite bluntly when he asked her to be his friend the time when he needed to talk to someone the most, the night Singto and Kongpob brought someone for him to have sex with.

Krist hugged himself at the sudden chill that filled his body. Thinking about that night brings him nothing but helplessness, anger and pain. Pain like he had never felt before. There are two Singtos in this world yet not one tried to protect him from the harshness of the world he is in. The two even instigated the worst nightmare he could ever have. What's the point of knowing he is their mate when neither treat him the way they should?

"Do you want me to get you a jacket? You seem cold." Neen offered.

"I'm fine." Krist responded without looking at her.

The beta cleared her throat. "You haven't eaten much during lunch. I prepared some sna-"

"I'm not hungry."

At that, Neen sighed. "You've lost a lot of weight. You won't be the masters' favorite if you don't take care of yourself."

Favorite? He'd very much prefer being the last person that those masters would look at.

Krist played with the grasses between his legs. "That would be better."

"Excuse me?"

"Join the others, Neen. I'll be fine on my own."

The beta hesitated.

"Go on. I'll just sit here and watch you."

At that, Neen nodded and went to join the others. Once in awhile, she would look at Krist to check on him.

Krist closed his eyes. Lately, sleep has eluded him. A few minutes in the land of dreams and he would wake up shivering in all-consuming terror. He kept telling himself that he's fine, he's safe. But is he?

The room he sleeps in is not the same room Singto and Kong used that night. But not just his mind, he-as a whole, is scared that they would try to do it again. He's not safe here. He's all alone with no one to help him if that psychotic Singto and his ever-loyal brother Kong would force him to fuck with someone other than them, his mates.

If they can't accept me, I better stop hoping one day they would. The original has tried so hard for five years. I think, that's more than enough pain to last someone a lifetime.

(I'm sorry you had to experience this, Krist. I've asked help from the Supreme and he's looking into it. This world is all messed up and the plo-)

It's alright Kitty. No one wanted this to happen.

(I'll do my best to negotiate transmigrating you to ano-)

There's no need. This Krist deserves his own happiness. It will not be with his mates but he will be happy like the Ger Krist.

Kitty was silent for awhile.

(If that's what you want. I'll be gone for awhile. This time, maybe for two-three days.)

Okay. Be safe.

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