2. Ultra instincts

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Izuku pov~

"-ey,Hey,Hey,wake up come ooo- oh ! You're up thats good !"
As I woke up I saw something unbelievable i saw my life long Idol ALL MIGHT !!! STANDING BEFORE ME !!!!

"SORRY !!! Normally I am better in protecting Citizen so now that your up, I must get going but before that. What was that quirk of yours, its really interesting to be honest."
Said all Might with his mighty grin (A/N I hate myself). I couldn't respond but after I heard him talking about my quirk i was a little sad but still wanted to awnser.

"S-s-so first.....IM A B-BIG FAN and about my quirk.....actually i-its a 'God-Class' quirk a-and i can go into a sort of s-state in wich i can d-d-dodge everything thats not faster than Mach 2 without even thinking and my body moves on its own. I-I have the power that resembles f-f-five % of y-y-yours ......." I stuttered looking down.

All Might apparently saw this but didn't understood why and tried to cheer me up. "Thats an really really powerful quirk with this you could easily go Number one Hero !"

"T-thanks.........but I can't, better yet I don't know how to activate it at all....I never once used it in my l-life......heh.....*sniff*.."
I said still looking down.

"HAHAHAHA Young man what's your name if you don't mind me asking ?" "I-I-Izuku Midoriya, sir All Might"

"So Young Midori- " His Thoughts cut him off ' Wait IS HE INKOS SON !! ' " *HMPH* As i was saying- how did you feel when you activated it before ?"

'First i didn't know what he meant but then it hit me. All this years i thought that it will come naturally to me. That I would just start being able to use it on command. But when it got activated before I felt like I must fight him off and survive.......but why doesn't it go off when Kacchan beats me up ?...... Probably because I let him beat me up, because I wouldn't think he would go any further than this. Also I got used to it.........Yes that has to be it .'

" THANK YOU ALL MIGHT!!! I think I know how to activate it now!! "
"HAHAHAHAHA I Like your enthusiasm but you still didn't awnser my question my Boy !"

Steam came off all Might
' Shit '

"Oh right soooo.......When I turned around and saw him I-I had this feeling!! L-Like 'FIGHT' or 'SURVIVE AND ESCAPE' a fighting spirit that I had never before!!! I cant thank you enough for showing me that and now that I hopefully can control my quirk a bit!!! 'I Hope'  I CAN BE A HE- !"

Gods View pov~

His thoughts got cut off when suddenly All Might turned into a skeleton human.


" Im All Might...*blerr*"
Said All Might as he blood runned down his mouth.
"WHAAAAT !? BUT HES A 2 AND A HALF (A/N I think thats how big He is pls correct me)

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