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In her cell if she could call it that, Gigi had a lot of time to think and she didn't like it

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In her cell if she could call it that, Gigi had a lot of time to think and she didn't like it.

She had time to think things over, she had time to question if she made the right decision coming here and she probably hadn't.

She shouldn't have come her, it had only led to more trouble.

She'd caused problems between herself and the pirates. Harry had known they were coming before they knew they were coming. Shed seen Dizzy and Sam, both of whom didn't seem to want to share what they knew with her. She'd seen Uma, Quinn and Chelsea taunt her about not knowing who her mother was. Now she was in Myher Gothel's clutches, nothing could get worse then that.

But then it did. When Ginny walked into the room. She was the actual daughter of Mother Gothel.

"So glad you could join us Gigi!" Ginny exclaimed, a false smile on her lips, clasping her hands together. "Took you long enough." Ginny narrowed her eyes. "Did you really think you could get away from me that easily and not have anything come back to bite you? Did you really think you could betray us and get away with it?! Because nobody turns their back on me, the true daughter of the Mother Gothel."

Ginny turned her back on Gigi, taking a few steps forward, before abruptly turning around, throwing a knife at Gigi's head, narrowly missing her.

"You think you're so special?" Ginny asked, her voice rising slightly. "You think the whole world revolves around you Gigi? You think anyone actually cares about you? Because they don't. You'll never live to know who your mother is."

"Thats cool Ginny." Gigi said. "What else do you want to tell me?"

"Wow not even caring for the threats I threw your way?" Ginny said. "I like that Gigi. Keep it up, you don't have much time left."

"Stop threatening my life and tell me what your doing here." Gigi said with a yawn.

"Am I boring you?" Ginny asked. "Oh well I stalled enough. Let me show you something."

Ginny pulled out a glowing sphere that made Gigi question how she had gotten something like that.

"Where'd you get that?" Gigi asked. "And What is that?"

"Oh nothing important," Ginny said. "Just going to show you what your friends you brought here are going through right now. And how it's all your fault."

"How would you do that?" Gigi asked as Ginny held up the orb.

"With this of course." Ginny said.

"Still don't get it." Gigi said with a shrug.

"It's magical." Ginny said.

"There isn't magic here." Gigi said.

"That's where you're wrong." Ginny said. "There's just a little bit. Enough to make this fortune teller I borrowed from Yzla work."

"Okay," Gigi said. "Let me see it work."

The orb glowing, showing a building that looked about ready to crumble, Gigi caught sight of two shadows and tried to see who it was. She realized it was Zevon and his sister, though she didn't know what she was seeing.

Then two argued over things and Gigi didn't see what was wrong. That was until she saw that the ground shake as the building seemed to be losing its standing. Zevon looked down, before deciding he didn't have to be there anymore as he and Yzla leaped off the building chasing after each other.

The scenes shifted as Freddie was running though alleys, trying to lose Harry. She spun around at a dead end, brushing last him, causing Harry to call curses at her which only made Freddie laugh. In Gigi's opinion she seemed fine. Shadows crawled out of the walls, grabbing Freddie and halting her in her tracks. Harry caught up to her a menacing grin on his face as he raised his hook in the air.

The scene shifted once more to a ship which Gigi instantly recognized as Harriet's ship. She and CJ were sparing on the deck, tossing insults at each other. Her crew was cheering her on. Gigi caught sight of Sam who was watching through her fingers, seeming to not want to watch but make sure CJ was okay at the same time.

Ginny waved her hand, causing the orb to dim as she looked over Gigi critically her gray eyes seemed to hide a storm as Gigi waited for her to say something.

"Well Gigi?" Ginny asked. "Do you have anything to say for yourself? Is this not your fault?"

Gigi sighed, biting the inside of her cheek.

"I guess it is." Gigi said with a shrug.

"Glad you can admit it." Ginny said. "Though there's a lot more to it than that."

Gigi had no idea what she was talking about and she didn't like it one bit.


GINO FELT SEASICK as they soared across the water. He'd never had good experiences in boats and much preferred to say on land. But if going across the water meant he could see Gigi, he was willing to take the risk.

He kept his eyes closed the whole time, his head spinning.

Crystal patted his shoulder, which calmed his nerves a little bit. He took deep breaths trying to stop feeling so lightheaded, he didn't want to pass out like he usually did. He felt the water splash onto his face, his eyes opening as he saw Pandora had been the one who had splashed him.

He rolled his eyes as they hit land. Jay and Carlos hid the boat behind an old abandoned building.

When they turned to walk forward, the two of them bumped into Mal, Evie, Pandora, Gino and Crystal.

"What's the problem-?" Jay began before he caught sight of what had stopped them. "Oh it's Shrimpy and Chelsea and Quinn and some other pirates."

"That isn't good." Carlos said.

"Oh no Puppy Boy." Uma said,her hands set on her hips. "It isn't. I told you Mal. This wasn't over. You may have won the battle but I will win the war."

[✔︎] 𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 ✫ POST-DESCENDANTS ONE ³Where stories live. Discover now