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Daryl's POV

She here, she's actually here. Alyx, my Alyx is here, with me. All these emotions I've been feeling since she left, they took over me. I'm always angry, stubborn, grumpy and just plain mad. She was the only person I've ever connected to. Then I remembered why I felt this way. She left me, just left. Like my mom did, like Merle did. That's why I was always angry.

We had your hands interlocked and just stares into each others eyes. Then the thoughts hit me again, I could never forgive her for leaving.

I swiped my hands away from her and glared.She looked taken back, she should expect this! She just left!

I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the group, to talk privately. Her face changes from hopeful to horrified.

"What's wrong?" she asked, as if she was, oh so innocent.

"God dammit Alyx! Was wrong? imma tell ya was wrong! Ye fuckin' left! Jus' left! Do ya no what that did to me!?" I raised my voice. She flinched back when I started to yell, but I didn't feel bad, I was to mad.

"I'm sorry okay?! you sure as hell no why I did!" she shouted back.

"I could've handled it! I coulda protected ya! Ya didn't trust me?"

"That's not it and you no it! I had to get away, can't you just accept that?" she said in a low tone before storming back to the group.

Alyx's POV

I can't believe he's still not over that. Fucking jeez Daryl, can't he just be happy I'm back?

I limped back to Rider and threw my arms around his neck. He chuckled into my shoulder before whispering into my ear.

"You are a tough son of a bitch, did ya know that?" he said. I laughed lightly.

"So I've been told"

"What happened to your leg?" he asked, when he realized I've been limping.

"It's broken, no biggie, I handled it"

When me and Rider let go of each other I caught Daryl's eye. He had a different emotion in his blue eyes. Fear? no. Anger? no. Sadness? no. It was jealousy. I smirked at the thought of Daryl being jealous, it was funny. I leaned over and hugged Rider once more before we all gathered our things and headed back to camp.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots were heard in the distance. Shock and worry filed all our faces as we hurried back to camp. The smell of decomposing flesh hit us like a snake strangling its prey. We made it into the cloud of people to find walkers everywhere. I didn't know these people but I would not let them die.

I rushed to the nearest, vulnerable person and shot all the walkers near them. It was a dark haired wen holding a crying little boy in her arms. I aimed at a walker that was to close for comfort and bang, dead. Rick rushed to me and took care of the two people, they were probably his family. I saw a young blonde haired girl cornered by two walkers. I took out my knife and threw it into one of them. the other stumbled towards her but I was to late, the walker took a huge chunk bout of her forearm. Andrea rushed over to her yelling her name and trying to stop the bleeding. I had an idea to keep her from turning.

"Andrea, Amy, we have to cut it off, it'll stop the infection from spreading" I told them. Andrea nodded furiously and Amy didn't move at all, she was probably too shocked.

I told Andrea to hold Amy down while I took off my jacket and wrapped it tightly around her arm. I picked off my knife and quickly cleaned the walker blood off it. In one swift motion her elbow and down was off and she was gushing bleeding. I told Andrea to hurry and get towels or something and she came back minutes later. Amy passed out, from the pain or shock, and Andrea was close behind. I wrapped her arm best as I could and turned to look at the rest of the camp.

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