A Streak Of Light

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Lexa's POV

What am I doing? What is wrong with me? Is she really in my tent right now? In my bed?

The light that seeped through the canvas of the tent was shining perfectly on her face. Her blonde hair almost seemed golden. She looked so relaxed while she slept. This is the first time I've seen her features soft. There was no sign of fear tainting her beauty.


I stood quickly. Rushing out of the tent so whoever it was wouldn't enter. I slightly opened the canvas flap and squeezed out. Locking eyes with the perpetrator..Gustus.

"I know she's in there" he sighed.

"Why is that any of your concern?" I question him plainly. Remaining calm, I was the commander after all.

"Heda...why is she in your tent, In your bed?" His eyes fluttered down my body and back up to my eyes. His brows furrowed and he regained his confidence. His lips parted to speak but I silenced him by raising my hand.

"I want to be there when she wakes up."

He tilted his head slightly.

"...to question her" I continued.

"Heda I know this is none of my business bu-"

"Then refrain from asking about it" I titled my chin upwards. My eyes searching his.

"You know I can't-"

I grabbed his shirt roughly. My knife was out it seconds pressing against his throat. I glared up at him. "Do not give me reason to question your loyalty Gustus" I pressed harder, a drop of blood dripping down his neck.

He backed up and silently turned. He stood there for a second but when he turned around to speak I was already gone.


She began to stir. Her featured contorted into an expression of discomfort. Her fingers found the furs on the bed and she brushed against them gently. Her featured relaxed.

"...lexa" she breathed.

My voice caught in my throat. I began to choke on my words.

"Commander" she gave a breathy laugh. Her eyes opened slightly and her lips parted.

I was sitting on the other side of the tent. My head in my hands. Breathing heavily. I lifted my gaze to meet hers. "Call me lexa" I surprised myself with my words.

"Lexa" she rolled the name off her tongue.

I felt it. I felt the sharp pang in my chest. The cracking of my mask. The softness creep into my features. I felt the weakness that came upon me.

"Clarke..." I said. It sounded so gentle, yet so full of authority.

She sat up on my bed and looked around. Her eyes scanning over the tent. The table with maps spread all over it. The journals on the shelves. The fur rugs. The throne that sat slightly above everything else. The furs she was unconsciously running her fingers over. Then finally to me.

"This is your tent?" she questioned me even though she knew the answer.

"Clarke I wanted to be here when you woke up" I breathed out "to question you."

"Then question me" she peered into my eyes.

"I- I don't know what to ask" I said honestly.

"Why am i here" she said gently. "Please"

There it was. The pleading look accompanied by the gentlest of words. Begging.

"Convince me not to kill all of your people" I said sharply. My expression hardening.


"Don't!" I stood quickly feeling my chest tighten.

"I'm sorry! Please don't. I can explain everything to you" she stood also.

"Then do" I sighed beginning to pace.

She walked over to me and my eyes scanned over her body until they reached her eyes again. She caught my eyes with her own. Trapping me. Pinning me under her gaze.

"Give me a reason to save your people" I whispered.

"Your reason is standing right in front of you" her lips parted slightly as she smiled. "I can help you."

I backed up quickly. My hip hitting the corner of the table. I winced in pain.

She reached out and placed her hand on my hip and lifted my shirt to see the bruise. "Are y- are you okay?!" She stammered. Her voice laced in concern.

I grabbed her wrist and hesitated before removing her hand and assuring her I was fine.

"I'm a healer" she breathed steadily, " There are more like me. That's how we can help you..we have technology that your civilization lacks."

"Technology?" I glanced down at her.

"Radios, transmitters, rocket fuel...guns"

I sat down in my thrown leaning back and gripping the arms tightly. Her last word was the only one that I understood.

"Don't kill my people Commander. We can help each other" she came before my throne and knelt.

I glanced down at her. My expression hard and unwavering.

"Heda" she whispered.

"Guards!" I yelled. My voice stern.

Two men walked in and lifted her from her feet. Waiting for my orders.

"Take her to a tent. Give her a journal. The entrance is to be guarded by two guards at all time. No one is allowed to enter or exit except me." I commanded. "Now go."

"Commander!" She screamed desperately.

I winced at her voice and watched as she was carried away.

"Indra!" I called.

She entered and knelt before me, "yes Heda."

"Delay the army marching on the sky people and gather the war council to talk strategy tomorrow morning" I waited for her to question me.

"Yes heda" she stood and walked out.

I sighed heavily. Alone in the tent I rested the back of my head against my throne and squeezed my eyes shut.

The image of Clarke kneeling to me and "heda" escaping her lips filled my desperate mind.

I realized I hadn't been wearing my war paint. I realized how much I let my mask down. How much thought I let her see in my eyes. How close she had come to me. How she'd touched me. It flooded my thoughts and threatened to breach my lips.

I looked around the tent and noticed the shard of light that flooded the tent. The slit in the canvas allowed a streak of light to fall onto the table. A journal was thrown open and a piece of charcoal lay on the floor just below it.

I rushed over to the table and flipped the pages until I saw it. A note scrawled on the pages in smeared charcoal.

"The cracks let the light in"

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