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Khaya POV

I am not woken up by a voice but by the brightness of the sun . I sit up and feel sweat on my body and a scorching pain all over .  I am not wearing anything I have a bandage wrapped around my arm to support it and band aids on my fingers. I have half a dress on it looks as though it's been cut up that way to give me decency . I am completely bare on my chest my breast are out  and the only thing covering me up is the blanket around me that I lift to cover my chest .

I look around the room that I am in it seems like a rich person lives here . I can't remember what happened. What if I was transferred to a rich mans house where he would end up using me till I die and that all that preparation was just a dream that never happened. I had to get up . I walk still limping the pain not ending and the pain in my arms and wounds multiply I get towards the door and it's surprisingly unlocked to me .

The sheet is dragging behind me. I walk fast trying to find a door that could get me out of this house . I walk on across the corridors and corridors only to be met by dead ends . I begin to panic. I am pacing up and down this big house .

Aaron's POV

I wake up .

Immediately I remember the guest that was here the other day. I get up slipping on a shirt. I walk out of my room walking to hers. As I get there I expected to find her asleep and in bed . Where did she go I thought. I walk around looking for her opening every room . I go to the intercom to tell the maids that there was a girl I bought home last night and if they have not seen her to keep a look out for her and report to me immediately.

I walk to a corridor and in the end of it I saw the young girl crouched down .  I walk over to her and tap her shoulder .

"Hey ." I say .

" please don't hurt me , please don't. Just let me goo ."she cries and then she looks up . Her eyes are the greatest that I have ever seen her melanin skin complements her lips . She's very beautiful. She breaths heavily as tears pour out of her eyes . She grabs onto my hands and I pull her up. She tries to run but I hold onto her .

" I won't hurt you." I plead . She looks into my eyes . As if realizing something and then she begins to breath heavily again that she passes out . I catch her in time only to realize that the blanket that she's wrapped around herself is slipping almost revealing her to me . I cover her up and carry her off back to her bedroom in bridal style she was heavy but I didn't mind .

I inform the staff that I found her and that they make food for her and to get her something to wear. I left her and took a quick shower  and I returned back to her . When I got back I opened the door and she was getting up from the bed . She wasn't wearing anything. She was turned away from me but I saw her entire back .
I shut the door quietly and stood there trying to regain my composure .

I nock on the door and hear nothing . I nock again and slowly open the door. She's fully awake now and she's wrapped her body with the blanket. I try my best to look at her face . I stride towards her and bend down to look at her .

"What is your name ." I ask she keeps quiet as if she's afraid of me.

"I'm Khaya. How did I get here."  She whispers .

" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't see you on the road and I hit you . Luckily you didn't have any major injuries unlike your arm of course..." I ramble .

"Wait so I was walking ." She asks .

"Yes......You were." I say .

"You aren't a predator." A predator she said . I wondered what's going through her head , why would she think that of me , I helped HER .

"No!..... I'm not the point is I'm sorry ....I hope you won't press any charges..." I say until she burst into tears .

"I'm out . Thank god . I'm out ." She whispers . She looks up at me and her brown eyes catch my breath . I look into her eyes as if it's an abyss of every beautiful imagination that I as a human could possibly think of . I will myself to look away .

"Do you have someone I can call to let them know..." I ask she cuts me off.

"Where am I ." She asks .

"In my house . Richmond estate ." I say .

"What ." She says

"You know Pennsylvania .......,North America." I say slowly . She looks down taken aback. I wonder what's running through her mind . She looks up at me again .

" what's the date ." She ask

" 27 August 2019." I say . She starts hyperventilating again . What's wrong with this girl . I use the opportunity to say her name .

"Khaya are you ok ." I ask .

"I'm ok. I'm ok . I'm ok." She repeats as a way to sooth herself I suppose.

Khaya's POV 


America,oh my god I'm far away from my home in South Africa . I was more shocked that I was trapped in jacks scheme for more than three years . I start crying and bury my hands in my chest and all of a sudden I feel the man next to me get up .

"I'm Aaron, you seem like you don't have it all together you may stay here for awhile until your able to stand on your own . Alright ..... um... the maid will bring you something to eat and hopefully wear ... ok... I'll be gone." He says .

He leaves the room and I'm left crying on my own until the door opens and an older woman comes in with a bowl of food it looked hot and steamy . I wipe my tears . When was the last time I saw a meal like that . I lick my lips . All we ate back there was bread and water . They would only feed us that unless we were good girls we would get a treat . That jackass treated us like dogs .

She lays it in front of me . And I look up at her to get the go ahead and when I do I immediately eat the food fast .

"Whoa slow down you'll hurt yourself ." She says .

"I'm sorry."

" don't be . Where are you from ." She asks from hearing my accent."

"South Africa ." I say almost hearing my voice crack .

"Oh wow.... Well here are some clothes ." She says . " hopefully they are in your size ." She mumbles. She pulls out a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt and slippers on top that are almost identical to hers .

"Are these , his clothes ." I ask .

"Mr. Kim ,Yes ." She answers .

"What does he do?" I ask her .

"Aaron Kim the most eligible and young bachelor around , he's a big tech and finance guy . His family is very rich but he built his own wealth up . He's handsome ,smart, young,well built but is known to not do so well with the ladies." She says

" why." I ask seeing that my mind has been distracted and taken off of what's happened to me .

"He has a cold exterior . " she says leaving the room . I finish the delicious bowl of food and go to the shower attached to the room . There is shampoo and conditioner. I  take of the band around my arm slowly not hurting it I strip minding my injuries . I turn the heat to suit me . I washed away the dry blood . And shampooed and conditioned my hair .

I finished cleaning my body but found myself sitting under the shower crying. I got up and switched it of and dried my hair and skin I stood in the mirror searching fro a comb . I combed my hair out and left it in its curls . I wish I had some sort of butter to add moisture to my hair. I moisturize and get dressed .

Aaron Kim seemed so interesting he was very nice but showed a little emotion. He had a strong like face but his features were of South East Asian decent . I noticed he liked to incorporate bits of his culture into his home from the way the wood work was and his kitchen wear and how these slippers that I had on my feet were .

He was an interesting man.

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