3 A Broken Little Female - Sample Chapter

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I watch, bewildered, as the cot gets dragged in, complete with a few foul curses as Ezra and Thjis argue about how to get it through the doorway without banging up the doorframe.

"Fucking turn it upright, you jackass," Thjis snaps.

"I am, asshole," Ezra huffs back.

I watch warily as they push and pull until the bed is through the door and they can slam it (not gently) against the wall where previously there was a cocoon of blankets and a blow-up mattress. I knew that they had been getting sick of that thing. Last night Rhet was sleeping in here and became so frustrated with sinking through it to rest on the floor that his sleep was punctuated with frustrated growls. Neither of us slept well.

"Right, fuck that was annoying," Ezra sighs.

Thjis approaches me. "Time for a bath, female."

I clutch my blankets tightly. Don't get me wrong, I want a bath. I stink of medicine and blood and urine. I don't smell of males, anymore, thank goodness. Someone must have washed me down and despite everything I blush at the thought of that sort of intimacy. Especially when it was probably Thjis, a male who doesn't like me at all.

They've seen everything I have, but I still don't want to have a bath with them helping me. It just seems too intimate, too personal.

Thjis pulls at the blanket. Mutely, I shake my head and clutch the blankets tighter.

"Female," he grunts, "you need to wash."

"I'll do it by myself," I volunteer.

"You can't," he says, exasperated.

Yeah, I know I can't. I'm just stalling. Begrudgingly I relax my grip on the blankets. I can hear the tub filling in the bathroom that I've only had glimpses of. I wonder how long it's been since I was brought here, since that night.

"Alright," Ezra came back into the room with a cheerful swagger. "Bath's ready."

Thjis pulls the blanket off and I catch my breath. The sunlight streaming in through the window reveals my body in perfect definition. My skin is pale, swollen red in some places, stark white in others. Deep bruising decorates my abdomen which is still swollen from fluids. A bag is taped to my side, filled with yellow liquid that I try not to look at. My hips are splinted to keep them immobile, and I'm sure the hard plastic and tape hide even more bruises.

Thjis works quickly, gently pulling out the catheter and handing the bag to Ezra, who disappears into the bathroom. The splints are next, the tape snipped with scissors and pulled away from my body.

Soft whimpers pour from my mouth. I was right, even more damage is seen. My hips are covered in purple and green and yellow fingermarks. A glimpse of my inner thighs reveals the same angry purple bruising where male after male pressed his hips, his body, into me.

Turning, I vomit into the bowl that Ezra somehow has ready for me. "Shh, baby, don't look, OK?" Green and brown bile come up, the soup leaving my body easily until nothing but dry heaves are left. Ezra braves it all, holding still and making shushing noises while Thjis holds my shaking body.

Thjis scoops me up, this male always the one to carry me for some reason. His jaw ticks angrily as he carried me into the bathroom. Ezra starts to remove his clothes and I cry out, panicked. Thjis' grip tightens, "he's going to hold you, female, while I wash you. It's just a bath."

I stop moving. It hurts to fight, but I can't stop the sounds of panic emitting from my throat. Ezra steps into the bathtub and Thjis passes me over. He's still wearing underwear, thank goodness, but being naked and pressed against bare male skin is triggering every instinct to run. My wolf is scratching, clawing at the sensation. We need to escape.

Unforgivable - Sample Only! *To Be Published Oct 30 2020*Where stories live. Discover now