Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

I am sleep deprived.

Last night wasn't good. I didn't get to sleep since my brain decided to go into overdrive about everything happening. I had gone through different strategies and without even realising I was sitting at my desk, writing my plans until the sun came up. I burnt all pieces of evidence till there was nothing but thin air in front of me. You could never be too safe, I had thought.

Now, sitting in my Chemistry class, the last lesson of the school day, I couldn't remove my eyes from the clock, just begging the time to hurry up. My eyes were struggling to stay open as I tried to listen to the teacher explain the harms of certain chemicals on the human body. His monotone voice was achingly boring to listen to and so when my eyes fluttered shut once again, I didn't think it was my fault.

I was so lost in my dream that the sudden ring of the bell jolted me awake and as I looked around the class, I saw some watching me with laughter in their eyes. I blushed ever so slightly as I ignored the stares and packed my books hurriedly. I saw the teachers frown but before he could call me to stay behind, I rushed out of there.

I breathed in a lungful of air as I walked out the doors and towards the schools parking lot. It was a nice day. The sun was out but the breeze that touched at my skin was cold. I like it though; it proved not everything could be perfect.

My feet dragged me towards my pick up truck as I rubbed at my eyes. I yawned at the same time, trying to stay awake. Once I reached it, I didn't realise I was so out of it that I didn't notice I walked past Drake and towards the driver's door. With my hand on the handle, his simple tap on my shoulder had me warming up.

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly as I watched the frown consume his features.

"I haven't seen you all day," he pointed out. I pursed my lips as I remembered how uneventful the day had been. I had spent my lunchtime in the library catching up on my very much-needed sleep.


"Are you still mad at me? I really am sorry Rosie, I didn-"

"Drake, stop apologising. Honestly you have no reason to, it's my fault and I'm over it. I swear I am. It's just that, I couldn't sleep well last night and I was in the library...sleeping," I interrupted him, explaining myself.


I nodded my head my head once and then we both just stood there. I looked up at him as he leaned against my truck, his eyes closed. I smiled softly when I saw the little dimple on his cheek.

"I have to go Drake," I mumbled quietly.

"Why?" he asked, turning towards me with a frown.

His green eyes were so bright, I thought.

"Because I have things to do," I said vaguely.

"What things?" he asked suspiciously.

"Just...things," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Right," he said unbelievingly.

"Well, see you later," I said, opening the door and sliding into the drivers seat. I started the engine but my door was still open so I wasn't surprised when his head popped in.

"Tonight?" he asked with a smile.

My heart accelerated as his dimple showed itself once again. He looked so beautiful when he smiled. I suddenly felt guilty for what will happen tonight. Would this be the last few times I will see it?

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